Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Kimchi and Toro
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Claw
Who did it belong to?
How did it get there?
Hmmmm... :)
p.s. Only a few more days until November, folks. How about some suggestions for our November project?
Labels: Conceptual, HTC One X, Ocean Beach
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Climb
Labels: Black and White, Fort Mason, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
The Timeless Look
Since there was nothing modern visible in the frame, I decided to do this one in black and white.
I thought the crude, rusty chains in the foreground contrast nicely with the elegance of the bridge.
Labels: Black and White, D100, Golden Gate Bridge, Landscape
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Very nice composition, and your very well-done monochrome treatment does make it timeless - it could be from 1940 ;-)
- said...
Nice composition, great in B/W...:-)
Lena, - Lea said...
Kindred shapes. Nice comparison. :)
Two By Two
Late afternoon, at the Crissy Field fishing pier, the tourists were taking their obligatory pictures in front of our city's iconic landmark.
It was time to dust off the D100 to give it some exercise. It still gives fantastic image quality, wouldn't you agree?
Labels: D100, Golden Gate Bridge, Landscape, Tourists
- Steve Rosenbach said...
A lovely travel photo!
SF tourist agency could use this one. - said...
Nice capture a couple at the scene...
lovely shot...:-)
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Dragonfly & the Fire Ant
Nikon D7000
Nikkor 70-300mm
Stopped by the park on the way home and was able to get my favorite dragonfly shot I have taken thus far.
Labels: Dragonfly, fire ant, Quiet Waters Park
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Just Roll With It
Labels: Abstracts, D200, Fort Mason, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
- said...
Excellent abstract, great composition, nice shot...:-)
Lena, - Steve Rosenbach said...
Love it... I'm still wondering (but that's a good thing ;-)
- Unknown said...
Awesome Abstract! I am with Steve, still wondering what it is - but I love it.
I am also excited to see you used the 85mm 1.8 I ordered one last night.
~Carl~ - Lea said...
Eerie sci-fi feeling... D:
- dan in marin said...
Nice abstract Warren, great composition and color.
Nikon D7000
Tokina 11-16mm
Went to the Palmetto Park Road beach yesterday for the first time and met Jim & his guitar. Jim played to know one and yet attracted the attention of anyone passing by in ears length of his song. It took a while for me to be able to ask if it was ok to take his picture simply because his eyes were closed most of the time. Glad I did and he was very thankful after receiving it several hours later which gave me an even larger sense of fulfillment. ~ Photography rocks!!!
Labels: Beaches, Palmetto Park Road, Song
- Warren T. said...
Nice monochrome treatment, it looks like you have a head start on the rest of us on our "Strangers" project. :)
--Warren - Unknown said...
Thanks Warren - is that our next project? Because I am about to bust wide open on that one. I am literally going to walk the beach and force myself to get as many photos of strangers that I can. I have been too nervous to ask and have terrible results now I am feeling supercharged with some new skills as if I just opened my camera for the first time. Very Exciting!
- Warren T. said...
Carl, I was thinking of making the "Strangers Project" an ongoing project for our blog (instead of just one month). Not everyone will want to participate, and that's perfectly fine. I was hoping to have some discussion between the folks are interested in trying it so that we can write down some general guidelines for the FPCF version of a 'Strangers' project.
--Warren - dan in marin said...
I like you use of the the toned image, makes for a more mysterious affect. The contrast with the high rise in the back is very effective Carl
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Pulgas Water Temple
I went for a bike ride at Crystal Springs road with my friend,Greg, last Sunday morning, and we took a detour to check out the Pulgas Water Temple. The Pulgas Water Temple is where the Hetch Hetchy water supply flows into Crystal Springs Reservoir.
Labels: Crystal Springs, HTC One X, Landscape, Pulgas Water Temple
- said...
Beautiful landscape view, nice composition, gorgeous frame...:-)
Lena, - dan in marin said...
Great use of all of the architectural elements in this scene Warren. They all blend very nicely.
90 Birds
Yes, I counted :)
Labels: Alameda, Birds, Crown Beach, DMC-G5, Wildlife
- said...
That's why you attention on "Its"...:-) excellent shot, interesting image !
Lena, - Lea said...
I think this works for the Oct project .. lol.. Cute find!!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Lands End Trail
Labels: Black and White, Land's End, Panasonic DMC-G1, People
- said...
Nice scene ! Did you catch them at the same day ? That's the " Life " great moment...relax and enjoy free fresh air...:-)
Lena, - Warren T. said...
Thanks Lena, yes they were all taken on the same day, last Thursday afternoon.
--WT - Warren T. said...
Actually, I just looked at the picture file, it was taken last Wednesday, not Thursday :)
Friday, October 11, 2013
Black Necked Stilts
Labels: Alameda, Blacked Necked Stilt, Crown Beach, DMC-G5, Shorebirds, Wildlife
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Tired of Being Blue
Nikon D200, Nikkor 85mm f1.8D
Labels: Abstracts, D200, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
- said...
Nice frame, great textures, well done...:-)
Lena - Lea said...
She's done selling these seashells..
Nikon D200, Nikkor 85mm f1.8D
Labels: Black and White, D200, Fort Mason, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013, Street
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Dockside Abstract
As Lea alluded to, this month's project is severely difficult, but on the other hand, it is also extremely interesting to see what everyone comes up with.
All great stuff so far, I might add. :)
In this one, the shadow lines appear to follow the odd shape of this dockside line anchor (I don't know the proper name for these things).
Nikon D200, Nikkor 85mm f1.8D
Labels: Abstracts, Black and White, D200, Fort Mason, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
Monday, October 07, 2013
Slippery Slope
Nikon D200, Nikkor 85mm f1.8D
Labels: Black and White, D200, Fort Mason, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013, Street
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Not For Long!
Labels: Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
Tin Face
From the beauty of nature and landscapes to a piece of trash, wherein I saw a face...
Labels: Abstracts, Black and White, D200, Humorous
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Nikon D7000 18-105
After being sick for the second time in two weeks I forced myself out of the steroid induced coma I was feeling this morning in search of fresh air and a contributing picture to this months project that wasn't an accident. At first I was a little thrown off. I mean we started out of the gate with the beauty and purpose of Fly Fishing. Where was i gonna find that? Turns out Quiet waters park was a perfect place to find my own conflicting lines with purpose.
Friendly Photo Forum: Healing people with fresh air and purpose one pic at a time. =)
Labels: Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
- Warren T. said...
Nice images, Carl :). #2 and #3 are real standouts.
--WT - said...
Excellent images, I really like # 2 photo, nice B/W, well done..:-)
Lena, - Lea said...
Warren said in one of the emails that this project was called a "riddle".. about the lines that don't like being lines. And I think that is severely true. After trying the topic myself last weekend, I realized it is a great struggle to find these lines that aren't lines and made me even question what IS a line. I love that there have been so many pictures posted already, reshaping and playing off the dizzying topic that has been chosen for the month. I'm interested to know what you have seen in these pictures. Specifically, to learn how they express "lines that don't like being lines". Or is that simply up to the viewer? ;) hehehe..
- Lea said...
Also: Carl, I hope you're feeling better soon.
- Unknown said...
Thanks Lea!
I am feeling much better now.
# I think the great thing about photography is it is very subjective. Put an award winning photo in a room with professionals and you will hear people say they don't like it and why. Who you are and how you feel about the world shows through each photo you take. I also think if someone is not trying to critique your photos they were not good enough to stir the controversy in the first place. If someone is taking the time to critique your work, then you are headed in the right direction. This may have been way off topic... but that is typically what i am good at.
As far as the lines topic
#1 photo was a safe shot I took just to complete the mission. The water has no interest in reflecting what nature intended to be straight.
#2 just to throw a few into this one.. clouds are running vertical as the lines in the water are running parallel. the line the wake boarder is holding has no interest in being straight and everything from the pulley system to the grass is all leaning in the same direction.
#3 I love spiders and spider webs especially now that i am photographing them. Every spider web has beautiful sophisticated lines with purpose to the very structure of the web. Yet there is nothing straight about any of them. Even each one of his legs are pieces of straight lines that bend and move not just at the joints when needed.
Well at least thats the way I see it =)
~Carl~ - Unknown said...
oh and thanks Warren!!! =)
~Carl~ - Lea said...
Cool, thanks so much Carl for filling in with your thoughts on the pictures. I guess it's a question also of whether visuals can be properly expressed through language. Even if not, I think there is still a lot to gain from trying.
Other forms of expression are often coupled with "language assistance" to allow an audience to more fully engage with it. Museums have descriptions cards, and novels/movies have reviews written about them, and poetry almost seems to Require translation to “get it”.*
It is still always the art that must speak for itself, though. Additional materials may be subjective, no matter how objective the intentions were. And I try to visit those things last, so I can see how I initially react to things. But other times, you know, it's just nice to know other people's perspectives! :) So again, thanks! This has made it more interesting for me, definitely!
I especially liked the second one after reading. It’s something like an argument amongst lines. ;D And time will keep moving them in and out of agreement. The crane bending, the waves reaching shore, the wind blowing the weeds and clouds. I also really liked your careful observations on the web and spider legs being unlike each other.
*I enrolled in a poetry class this fall that’s offered for free on Reading and even Listening to a reading of the poem “If I Told Him” did not seem to compare to the impact of Watching this poem -- Read here: Watch here: That greater impact was expressed by many of the other students. So I think it’s fair to say, exploring concepts further can really highlight the artwork in new and very appreciated ways.
Friday, October 04, 2013
- Steve Rosenbach said...
I love it - great composition & beautiful tonalities.
- Simon Chan said...
Wow! That is a beautiful line!
- said...
Beautiful view, great B/W...:-)
Sand Lines
Labels: Lines that don't like being Lines, Ocean Beach, Project Oct. 2013
- Warren T. said...
Nice idea :) The footsteps interrupt the natural lines in the sand, a classic sand dune picture.
Where was this taken?
--Warren - Lea said...
The line of footsteps is such a great idea! Hahaa I was so thrown off by it, thinking it was the line who didn't like being a line, but it was the line who didn't like the other lines being lines.. Broken, itself by the spaces in between steps. Fantastic!
- said...
It's Ocean Beach...
Lena, - Unknown said...
Great Pic Lena,
& Lea # it was the line who didn't like the other lines being lines.. Broken, itself by the spaces in between steps
I think you wrote the caption for the story. Great comment.
Waves Lines
Labels: Lines that don't like being Lines, Ocean Beach, Project Oct. 2013
- Warren T. said...
I like the shadows. It looks like another bird is sneaking up from behind to get some crab too :)
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Fly Fishing Lines
Labels: DMC-G5, Fly Casting Pools, Golden Gate Park, Lines that don't like being Lines, Project Oct. 2013
- said...
Nice competition of October Project. I really like #2 picture,lovely reflections with girl of her pink shirt, nice shot...:-)
Lena, - Lea said...
omg, I missed this one somehow! Hahaha, yeah that line is doing all it can to escape itself, and its owner! A wild energy for sure.
Late Afternoon Joggers
This was taken close to sunset time in Golden Gate Park.
Labels: DMC-G5, Golden Gate Park, Joggers, Sunset
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Backyard Bluebird
I happened to look out our back window one day, and saw a couple of bluebirds trying to eat our neighbor's apples on the apple tree. They pecked at them, but were unsuccessful because the apples were too hard.
I shot through a window, and there was some motion blur, but it still looks okay as a web photo. :)
Labels: Backyard Photography, Birds, Bluebird, DMC-G5, Wildlife
- Steve Rosenbach said...
This is a great nature photo, Warren!
I really like the way your bird is balanced, both in color and "weight", by the apple - makes me smile with compositional goodness :-)
Your lighting is perfect - shows the texture of the bluebird so well, and especially, the head and eye in good light. - said...
Lovely catch, great close up...:-)
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Let's Kick This Off!
I was out today taking new pictures for this month's project, but I thought of this one from my archives as a broad interpretation of the theme!
This was taken in 2011 at a car show. This huge crowd was waiting in line to get into the show.
"Head of the Line"

Lumix G1, Lumix 45-200mm
Labels: Documentary, Lines that don't like being Lines, Panasonic DMC-G1, Project Oct. 2013, Wekfest
Peaceful scene, lovely capture...:-)
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