Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Project of the Month List

Beginning November 2005, we began a series of monthly photo projects. This is a running list.

Think about what you would enjoy working on. Please let me know if you have a new idea for a project-of-the-month. Unused ideas will be left on the list for future consideration.

This post is linked on the main page under the Biographies link on the contents sidebar.




Nov. 2005-- Autumn
Dec. 2005-- Christmas in the City
Jan. 2006-- Relections
Feb. 2006-- Love
Mar. 2006-- Peace
Apr. 2006-- Spring
May 2006-- People at Work
Jun. 2006-- Joy vs. Sorrow
Jul. 2006-- Decisive Moment

Pending ideas:

- Self Portrait
- Animals
- People in Love
- Lines


Updated: January 27, 2010. It's a new year with new members, and we are trying to revive the idea of projects for us to work on.

How about this for next month?

Feb. 2010-- Choose a landmark in your home town and post your best 3 to 5 images incorporating that landmark. The folks who are from the same city can do joint projects if they choose to.

Sept. 2010 -- No Project (Guess we all need a break sometimes)

Oct. 2010 -- No Project again! (Still on a break, I guess)

Feb. 2011 -- No project yet

Mar. 2011 -- No project yet

Apr. 2011 -- No project yet


Updated: August 30, 3013. Okay, we laid off this for over 2 years, it's time to revive it again!

Sept. 2013 -- Fog/Mist

Oct. 2013 -- Lines That Don't Like Being Lines

Nov. 2013 -- Soft

Dec. 2013 -- No Project

Jan. 2014 -- Documentary

Feb. 2014 -- Windows


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