Ice Plant Blossoms

Labels: Beaches, flowers, Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1
We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Labels: Beaches, flowers, Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1
Labels: Panasonic DMC-G1, Sausalito, Street
No ideas for September? If not, I guess we'll let it slide until we come up with something.
Labels: Panasonic DMC-G1, Sausalito
Labels: Black and White, D100, Pelican, Poem, Wildlife
Nice pairing!
It brought to my mind the Catherine Feeny song Unsteady Ground. Perhaps providing an interpretation of those "earthly endeavors" we would wish to be above.
The darkness under the wings is very bold. Makes you wonder what is reflected outward from earth.
I like the feeling as I read: first consuming the air and becoming weightless, and then looking back to Earth and seeing at what I am. It's like an out-of-body experience ;)
Labels: Central Coast, Highway 1, Landscape, Panasonic DMC-G1
Labels: Mission San Miguel Arcangel, Panasonic DMC-G1, Project Aug. 2010
Labels: Panasonic DMC-G1, Project Aug. 2010
Labels: Fog, Morro Bay, Morro Rock, Panasonic DMC-G1
How did you position that lens flare just right? Perfect.
Nice one! The rock looks really interesting and the fog looks kind of like it is swirling or spinning around it.
seems fine, Dan, maybe just a bit low on contrast and slightly dark.
what show are they having at China Camp, migration or breeding, and how long will the show last? Maybe I can go check it out for myself.
I know that it's migration season for raptors on the coast, so I am hoping to finally see bunches of them like I've been reading about (but never saw with my own eyes).
Everything is on the move Warren, the bait fish and Salmon are moving into the Bay, so our feathered friends follow them and put on quite a show. I have not seen the migratory Raptors yet. Am heading to Chimney Rock and the Light House and will keep an eye out tommorow. I will let you know.
Labels: Cars, Panasonic DMC-G1, People
Labels: Abstracts, Carmel, Panasonic DMC-G1
Labels: Carmel, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
Cool shots! The single Blue Angel looks like it's floating on our blog page (the sky seems to be pure white) :)
Thanks Warren! I thought the same thing about the floating one :) I had to brighten and whiten. That shot had very little cloud texture, so it turned out as a super white sky/ empty space.
Nicely done Lea, I have tried and missed the Angels when they are in the Bay Area, they are not easy to capture.
Hey thanks Dan, they really are fast! There was cloud cover for the show this year so they were doing their low-show for visibility... which turned out best for me since my zoom isn't that great for those far away and high up ones.
Labels: Avila Beach, Panasonic DMC-G1, People
Looks like a runner and a thinker. Great pic, Warren :) I like where you've placed him in the shot. It's like he's leaving it all behind,,, whatever that is he is thinking about.
Labels: Panasonic DMC-G1
Ha, nice! It seems a sharper NO.. They even have to keep it behind bars. Mine is more like a suggestive NO. Off to the side, in the corner. Thanks for bailing it out for us again! Fun to compare :D
Labels: Busy as a Bee, Golden Gate Park, Panasonic DMC-G1
The first pic is my fav of the three. You can see the texture of the bee's wings!! O-M-G. Nice angle :)
Labels: flowers, Golden Gate Park, Panasonic DMC-G1
Labels: Golden Gate Park, Panasonic DMC-G1, Project Aug. 2010
Great image Warren, lighting and detail work well. Looks like you have been enjoying GGP and the dahlia garden. The dahlia is San Francisco's official flower. As you can see they are really special. Good captures all around.
Circles and spheres! Nice shot. And great Patina project pic!
Labels: Golden Gate Park, Panasonic DMC-G1, Project Aug. 2010, Wildlife
Labels: Abstracts, Black and White, Golden Gate Park, Panasonic DMC-G1
I think it's some kind of Agave - possibly Mescal Agave??
It does look like an Agave. Thanks Laurie :).
What a brilliant idea! You two make a great team. I'd like to come see the box in person one of these days, and also see the other artists' work. How long will the exhibit be there? Thanks for posting this here.
I never tried printing on canvas myself, but when I did weddings, we used to print 16x20 enlargements on canvas. We sent the 6x6cm negatives to a professional master printer to do the work.
Warren, I spoke of the show to Gail and will bring in the flyer. It runs, till 9/12. Thanx for the kind comments.
Too. Awesome. That looks amazing! Great printing and cool idea!
That is terrific! Take lots of pictures of the other works.
You did a great job of taking the pictures to capture the 3D effect.
Hi Laurie! Welcome back! This theme must have struck a nerve :) Thanks for being the first one to post a "Patina" shot.
Nice light and shadow play on this one.
Many shapes and shadows, I like it!
Nice shot. All the elements that make a nice shot. Great to have you post a picture. I always enjoy your work.
Nice Laurie,
Still life images are so compelling and bring out the best in photographers.
As Dolph would say, this is not your usual subject :). But it's interesting how the bricks stick out of the wall randomly, kind of strange looking. I wonder if that was done on purpose.
This is my type of shot. I like how you have captured the history in the wall. Different layers, types of brick, the colors all show the history of the building. Makes me wonder what the building was like before the additions.
I love urban walls, it really tells a story of the building and the neighborhood, in this image you have nicely composed two distinct textures Lea.
Thanks all! Dolph, you skipped off an missed who posted this one ;) hehehe... I think I've been missing out on a whole lot of things by not walking with my camera in the city..... hope to do more of it from now on..... :)
Sorry......same comment..this is my kind of shot.
Dolph, no apology necessary ;) It kind of highlights Warren's comment that "this is not [my] usual subject"
Labels: Chinatown, Panasonic DMC-G1, People, Portsmouth Square, Street
These guys are funny. Did any of them crack a smile? As kids I would see these old men listening to music, now they are us.
Nice moment captured.
Labels: July 2010, Project Jul. 2010
This picture has a nice "flow". Thanks for sharing this, Dolph. It has been many years since I've seen Chris.
A nice sentiment of thanks. Those two other boys look like they enjoy helping out. :)
I think I have a lot of years of good deeds to make up for the years of trouble I caused in my hometown. ;) Thanks for sharing Dolph!
Thanks for the kind comments. The flow of the horse in moments was what I was trying to achieve. The movement of the walkers to help Chris was the real important concept.
This image captures the essence of what you have verbally described Dolph, very nice. The alignment of the boys and the movement together makes this a keeper capture.
Super bright! Really enjoying these vibrant sprinkles :) Lovely scene!
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