Thursday, January 28, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
- dan in marin said...
Nice composition Warren, for me the image speaks of serenity and winter.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Moscone Center Self Portrait

Labels: D100, FPCF Photographers, Self Portrait
- dan in marin said...
Warren, I like the colors of the various handrails and their affect on the overall compostion. Too bad the blue rail ended up so close to your head, it is a little distracting.
Dan - Warren T. said...
I shot a few different versions here, I'll post them when I have some time.
Warren - Steve Rosenbach said...
very cool, I really like it!
The way you incorporated the railings, with the different colors and the Z-shape (there goes that Z-shape thing I have again!) is great.
I also like the way that the intervening glass make you partially ghostly ;-)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
- Warren T. said...
very cute :)
- Dolph Brust said...
If the power meter weren't in the picture and this was Black and White, it could be years ago.
Very nice.
**Dolph - dan in marin said...
Dolph, thanx for the suggestion, when I have some time I will take the meter and perhaps the gate out.
Friday, January 15, 2010
- Warren T. said...
nice cloud pic :). it works well in B&W.
- Dolph Brust said...
Nice work. Looks like SE Florida with the palm tree.
Nice use of shadow, light and the cloud pattern.
- Warren T. said...
Everything has been done before :), yet it's still your unique take on it. Very nice.
One of our future projects can be: Use a SF landmark (or a subject of our choice) as a background (like I've been doing), and we'll see how many different variations we'll get. We should agree on one, then all shoot the same one for the extent of the project.
--WT - Warren T. said...
Or maybe we can choose a more 'generic' background landmark to incorporate into the project pictures, for those who are outside of San Francisco :).
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
A well know landmark for the area we are in and different take on the presentation.
**Dolph - dan in marin said...
Warren, how would that work for folks not in the Bay Area? How about a project that is not landmark specific, but wherever you are located pick a famous landmark and submit 5 differenct interpretations.
Dan - Warren T. said...
Dan, your idea works for me. We need to get more of us to get involved in this, otherwise it's not as fun. I really hope it happens. Any other suggestions or ideas are welcome.
- Warren T. said...
Dan, I enjoy your street work. You should do more of it.
I like how you got at least one of the dancers' face, thus making her the subject. And good juxto between the very involved dancers, and the folks waiting for the bus.
- Warren T. said...
Two things that I really like about this one:
- All the vertical stationary elements as if the emphasis the subject's motion: the pole, the trees, and the bystander in the background.
- Seeing the breath from the cold morning air, very nice.
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
I see this man like the guy in the movie "Time Machine." This guy keeps seeing the same thing, but it changes over time. I wonder what he has seen over time, it would be a great story.
**Dolph - dan in marin said...
Thanx Warren and Dolph
Actually that is not his breath, but his beard. I was using my 50mm and wished I had the fancy 70-200 on at the time.
Dan - Warren T. said...
woops! my mistake, that's a heck of a beard :) LOL!
Two Smokers at Peace Plaza

Labels: D100, Japantown, Peace Plaza, Street
Meditations on a Fountain
Labels: Abstracts, D100, Fountains, Yerba Buena Gardens
- Ted M said...
Hi Warren, I like the 2nd to the last here.
The 105/2.5 Nikkor is one of my favorite lenses. Which version did you get (there are 15 or so), I have the P*C one, the first F mount version designed with Gauss design and 7 blades. - Warren T. said...
Hi Ted,
I have two of them. :) The first one I've had since the mid-70's. It's a P*C like yours, Gauss design, and with the metal fluted focusing ring. It is in excellent condition and non-ai, and I was hesitant to send it out for conversion. So, I was deeply missing using it on my ai cameras, especially my D100, so a couple of years ago, I bought an ai version of the same lens. This one is just slightly later than my original, but it has the rubberized focusing ring and is not as pristine, but as you can see, performs great as you would expect.
Obviously, this is one of my favorite lenses too.
--Warren - dan in marin said...
#4 is the winner for me. The flower floating on the highlight relection makes it.
Dan - Warren T. said...
I think my personal favorites are 4,5, and 6. In #5, that bit of white reflection almost looks alive and 3 dimensional. #4 was my first image of the flower in the fountain after I spotted it. I took a number of them, but I chose 4 and 5 as the best. I have no idea how that flower ended up there, but it made a great prop.
On #6, I like it because of shape of the reflection formed an arrowhead that points to the fountain.
None of these shot would have been possible had I rushed through here. It took a certain amount of contemplation before I was able to see shots.
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
I enjoy #5 because of the slight movement of the water, light in the backgroud, and flowers. I wonder where the water is going to take the flower.
Nice composition. Makes we think!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Bougainvillea at Yerba Buena Gardens

Labels: D100, SFMOMA, Yerba Buena Gardens
On the Balcony

St. Patrick's Catholic Church

Here is a front shot of St. Patrick's. It's one of the few old buildings still remaining in the area.
- Dolph Brust said...
Nice composition with contrast between light and dark; new and old; classic and and classless.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Polka Dotted Grace Cathedral

Labels: Canon A570IS, Grace Cathedral
- Dolph Brust said...
With the decorations on the cable car, those could be very large snow flakes.
**Dolph - dan in marin said...
Warren, fantastic light pattern, I have never seen that on Grace before.
Late Afternoon at Ocean Beach #3

Labels: Beaches, Black and White, D100, Ocean Beach
Monday, January 11, 2010
Fun after work and team building.
The company that I recently left, was having a team building exercise. This is an indoor facility, so the challenge was to get a picture to come out with the speed of the carts at about 45mph. I came in third in the race behind the president and chief operations officer. I let them win!
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Awesome action shot, Dolph, with fantastic color!
I played around a bit with cropping - I especially liked it when I cropped a little less than the top 1/3 - so you still see the red, slightly diagonal line at top - and I also cropped a little bit from the other 3 sides.
What do you think? - Warren T. said...
Dolph, really nice action shot! I like to see this kind of shot because I suck at it :). One of you guys will need to show me how to make mine better one of these days.
- Warren T. said...
Very nice, I like how the shimmering reflections on the water balance the dark silhouettes two people in the shadows.
--WT - dan in marin said...
Dolph, I have very partial to candid images that lead to you speculate on what the converstation or meeting is about. This tells a story without seeing their faces. Great use of light and imagery for the background
- Warren T. said...
Nice capture! I like the lighting, action, vivid colors (eyes and beak), and details of the shot.
the fish will be swallowed whole, right? How do they digest that, I wonder?
--WT - dan in marin said...
Great action shot Dolph. The bird probably thought you were after some fried catfish as well.
Dan - Dolph Brust said...
Guys....yes the fish is swallowed whole. As for the colors, I do have another shot with a little more color...RED.
- Lea said...
What a catch! (you and the bird) Liking this one :)
Late Afternoon at Ocean Beach

Labels: Beaches, D100, Ocean Beach
- Dolph Brust said...
Warren....nice use of lines and patterns in this picture. The use of the wall that takes my eye up to the cliff house shows your talent for composing the picture.
** Dolph
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Photography Couple

Labels: D100, Half Moon Bay, People, Photographers
Poplar Beach Surf and Sand

Labels: Beaches, D100, Half Moon Bay
- Warren T. said...
Dan, your old Nikkor 300mm lives on... :)
--WT - Steve Rosenbach said...
"...Dan, your old Nikkor 300mm lives on.."
... and is being put to great use, I'd say! This image is beautiful - wonderful shapes and scale! - Dolph Brust said...
That Nikkor has helped make a great photo. The composition and the details make for a photo that I could look at for quite some time.
Dolph - Ted M said...
I like this one a lot Warren. Very interesting how the water is leaving the sand different shades.
- dan in marin said...
I always liked that lens Warren, glad it is in the hands of a pro. Nice composition and contrast with the sand and water line.
Point Bonitas


- Lea said...
wow, they look amazing! the one with patchy green and red rock is soooooo awesome. it looks like they all could be from a dream =) made my day..
- Warren T. said...
Excellent, atmospheric shots :). I like the one with GG Bridge, and the one showing the dramatic clouds.
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
Some great shots for the camera, it shows your ability to compose the shot. I like the last one with the sky, clouds, and water that shows the greatness of the Pacific Ocean. On south east coast we don't see those types of spectacular combinations.
** Dolph
Friday, January 08, 2010
Gazing In
Gazing Out

Labels: Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Half Moon Bay, Nikon F4s
- Dolph Brust said...
- this just more teasing? If anyone is ever near this location it is worth the walk down to the beach. This area is interesting because of the two land masses that are coming together at the point.
I looked out at the ocean from that very rock many times. Sometimes you can watch the whales playing off shore as they swim south.
Great photo. What is interesting is the jacket has changed colors in the reflection. - Warren T. said...
Yes, Dolph, more teasing to make you come home! LOL!
yeah, I also noticed that the jacket changed from light pink to dark pink in the reflection :).
BTW, did you notice that your Google name on FPCF has changed to Dolph & Peggy Brust?
Gazing Down

Labels: Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Half Moon Bay, Nikon F4s
- Dolph Brust said...
This shot could have been my son Stefan. We went down to these pools at least once per month when we lived in Moss Beach.
I have some shots of this beach that I'll post.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Follow the Bouncing Ball

- Dolph Brust said...
Looks like some fun when many of us were much younger. I like the contrast between the squares in the skyline and the circle from the giant plastic ball. Do you have a picture of the ball going down the hill?
- Warren T. said...
No, I was too amazed and entertained by seeing the ball roll down the hill with the two girls inside, so I did not take any pictures of it at that time.
Monday, January 04, 2010
- dan in marin said...
The light is perfect in this shot. The bricks and their reflection make this very intersting.
Dan - Warren T. said...
Thanks Dan. BTW, that is not a reflection, it's more bricks.
- Warren T. said...
If I told you that this was taken with a Leitz lens, would you have believed it? I love the 3D look of this image.
I'm going to do some more with this lens soon, maybe on the D100 next time, just for fun :).
--WT - Lea said...
i really like the colours :) the rich green grass and her bright salmon pink pants, softened by some yellow neutrals scattered throughout... it's lovely in an unpretentious way, lol.. can't really explain it better than that. Feels like a sunday morning.
Ghostly Shopper

Labels: Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80, Rainy Day
Crystal Springs Reflections
Labels: Crystal Springs, Landscape, Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80
- Dolph Brust said...
Where is the camp at, and how do you get to it? Nice shot of the lake.
- Warren T. said...
I looked up the history of the Sawyer Camp Trail, and I learned that this trail once connected Half Moon Bay with San Francisco. In the old days before automobiles, it was quite an arduous journey. Leander Sawyer opened up a camp on this trail in the late-1800's that provided food and lodging to the travelers of this trail. The camp no longer exists, but the trail was named after Leander Sawyer's Camp. This six mile long trail runs along the east side of Crystal Springs.
It Could Have Been Another Keeper

Labels: Camera Story, Crystal Springs, Landscape, Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80
- Ted M said...
Great photo Warren, nice reflections in the water. Too bad about the lens light leak.
I think we have one of these too, with curved sliding lens cover, but haven't used it for many years. - Warren T. said...
Thanks Ted. I'll be posting some "corrected" photos from the test roll tonight. The light leak gives a cool, fisheye-lens effect, but it gets old fast when almost half the shots in a roll have the problem. :)
--Warren - Benson said...
Without reading your description, I thought you were shooting through some sort of lens. It's a neat affect but being unpredictable, it would not be a good thing.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
I know I've been an absentee contributor to the blog but I finally took some worthwhile shots to share. Last week we went to the Big Apple. All shots with Nikon D70 with either Tamron 12-24mm or Nikon 18-200mm. I like to travel light but I could not resist bringing my ultrawide angle Tamron lens on this trip. First shot is one you won't see everyday. My daughter Madison and I playing ENT with Lady Liberty.
Next one is the hall of the ferry building in Jersey City to go to Ellis and Liberty Islands.
Here's the Great Hall on Ellis Island.
A classic view of Lady Liberty.
- Warren T. said...
Great pictures, there are classic and dramatic views here.
That first one is very funny, but what is "ENT"? (I'm acronym-challenged :) )
That's a big crowd around St. Patrick's. Did a service just finish?
--Warren - Benson said...
ENT is "Ear, Nose, & Throat" specialist. It was very crowded all around Rockefeller that day, I suspect it was not a service but just the usual NYC crowd walking by.
Considering the circumstances, this is a GREAT shot! I love seeing the coyote in mid-trot with its paws in the air.
Oooo biking photos, i have a bunch of those too! Awesome! Yeah this is framed nicely for a downhill-curve-coming-up-AND-WILEY shot. Some nice surprises come out of the point&shoot-or-else-you'll-fall approach.
Okay, sorry for all those hyphens. It seemed necessary..
Lea, have you posted any on the saddle shots?
I posted this one a while back:
I'm not sure if I've posted any others here.. none that I could find with searches to blogger anyways ;)
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