Bridal Candid

We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Labels: FPCF Photographers, Leica, Russian Hill
Labels: Crissy Field, Golden Gate Bridge, Leica, Presidio
Warren, I like the 2nd on a lot, has a very timeless "Leica" look to it!
[Post for Dolph by WT]
Of the four pictures I like the first best. The pathway takes me directly to the GG Bridge. The color and general composition is very nice. Is it my imagination or do these shots seem clearer and more defined?
Haven't contributed lately, but just wait. We are in Costa Rica and I dusted off the old D200. Now let's see if I know where that shutter release button is at again.
[written by Dolph]
Great B&W subject, very well done, Warren! Very nice tonalities and as you say, the various textures do create interest. Great job :-)
Great shot, Warren. I really like that. The design made by the lines is very interesting!
BTW Ted, I know that you're looking at old Nikon prime lenses for your D40x, but this Tokina ATX is really nice, and besides it's great optical performance, it's all metal and built like a tank. :)
Fabulous composition - I love the combination of the perspective plus the "S"-curve. Also, I like the way the bottom (foreground) is all neutral colors while the background is really, really green.
Labels: Baltimore, Film, Nikon FM, Vintage Camera Day
Wow, that looked like a fun outing! I'm glad you're enjoying the FM, Steve. The pictures look really nice.
Great photos Steve! I especially like the one of the guy with the baby and hat, and black background. I think you should shoot with film more often!!
Thanks, guys - yes, it was fun to see if I still knew how to shoot film ;-) For the photo of Devin and his baby daughter, he was carrying her "face inward" at first while she was sleeping. She woke up and he turned her around just about when we got to the aquarium, which has some concrete walls painted in various primary colors. I picked a stretch of dark blue wall, but it came out black in the print and the scan - but still has the desired effect.
BTW, I took a closer look, and the scans were done at 1700x1110 pixels - so 1.89 Megapixels. I'm gonna check with Costco - I think they do at least 3000 x 2000, and they're cheaper to boot. The reason I chose Ritz on this outing is that we were downtown and that's all that was nearby.
Labels: Half Moon Bay
Labels: Baltimore, Canon SD400, Circus, Cirque du Soleil, Self Portrait
This is a very cool shot. I like the framing and the color, and how you worked a subtle self portrait into the composition.
Labels: Crissy Field, Leica, Presidio
Yep...must be the lens. I can feel the sharpness and color oozing from the image! WOW! And i'm only lookin at it from my laptop screen!
(posted by WT for DWF)
Dennis, thanks for your comments. I like the sharpness and color rendition of this lens a lot. As I mentioned earlier, it also has a particular signature "look" that will hopefully become more apparent after I post more shots from it.
I'll be shooting some B&W soon (Kodak 400CN), but I also converted one of the Fuji color shots to B&W and it was also very nice. I'll post that soon.
also check out the shot that I posted on my other blog:
it's titled: Sky of Blue and Sea of Green.
Really nice Warren, Great camera and lens setup! Looking forward to seeing more from this setup!
Very nice composition, and very sharp, indeed!
The cool part about this location is that it was once a U.S. Army Air Field (Crissy Field) within the Presidio, and the lagoon was part of the runway. When the land was made part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the runway was removed and the land was returned to nature (as much as possible).
Labels: Leica, Lombard Street, Street
Hey warren...color saturation looks great on this! even with the side/back difficult lighting. Is this something you are finding with the Leica? or have I been looking at too many poor point/shoot and phone/camera images lately?
: ) dwf
(posted by WT for DWF)
you've been looking at too many P&S and phone camera shots! as you know, I usually do some editing of my photos before posting, and these are no exception especially because these were from the low-res Walgreens scans. However, even with the low-res scans, you can see how nicely the 50mm Elmar renders an image. It's the "look" that makes the difference that you notice. The color, contrast, and exposure are also affected by film choice and post-processing. since the M3 is meterless, I used a Sekonic handheld meter and educated guesses to determine exposure.
Labels: Adams Morgan, Canon SD400, Mural, Washington
Great color coordination :). I see that your photo group is pickup up steam.
Thanks for documenting the unpacking, Steve. I'm not good at that because I tend to rip open the package as soon as I get it in my hands and forget about taking picking pictures of it :).
I'm looking forward to seeing your shots from the FM!
Looks pretty crowded there! That one guy still spotted you, though :).
i like the blur on this one. It looks like the cars are in a state of chaos too :).
When you do your next b&w conversion, try increasing the tonal range even more (blacker black, and whiter whites), unless this is the effect that you're going for.
You are a saint, Warren! ;-) I would love to have this camera - in fact, our photo Meetup group is having a "Vintage Camera Day" on March 14th (i.e., film ;-) and I would love to shoot with this one.
.... organized by .... yours truly!
In return, I'd like you to have the Zorki 5 "Red Logo" in the photo for Vintage Camera Day - not that it's really equivalent. I'd give you my Kiev, but I sold it a few months ago :-(
Thanks, Warren!
Hi Steve, I sent you an email re: this.
Labels: Canon SD400, Liberty, New York, Statue of Liberty
very nice compostion, great expression, and even nice "bokeh" ;-)
I would say that she'd love this shot!
Thanks for the comment, Steve.
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