Night Portrait at Peace Pagoda

Labels: Japantown, Panasonic DMC-G1, Peace Plaza, Portrait, Project Jul. 2010
We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Labels: Japantown, Panasonic DMC-G1, Peace Plaza, Portrait, Project Jul. 2010
Labels: D100, Portrait, Project Jul. 2010
Labels: Baltimore, July 2010, Otakon, Portrait, Project Jul. 2010
Labels: Portrait, Project Jul. 2010
Nice shot, Steve. He looks like a DPW worker smoking a hookah :P.
I was thinking the same thing as Warren....government worker taking a break and getting high. Couldn't you see this in the Bay Area and the lights going off. ;)
You guys are right! In fairness to Abu, I should take some more photos ;-) I sent him the 3 I took, and he was very happy with them and said I could take more any time.
It turns out he's famous in Baltimore - he makes instruments out of just about any discarded old thing. His biggest pleasure is speaking and demonstrating to school-age children to get them interested in music.
Here's a 12-year-old article I found about Abu - it's really heartwarming.
Very cool portrait! People are amazing! :)
Nice streetcape capture Steve. The tightness of the image really works
Labels: D100, Golden Gate Park, Musician, People
The space above him works so well here.. Could be his thoughts, could be his music, could be his fears, or comforts... So good. Really like this one :)
Great use of the light on the back of the performer. This really communicates to me the musician is playing for his own entertainment. Doesn't really care if anyone else hears the music. I can hear the music bouncing off the walls.....
Great composition.
Wish I had taken this one! :-)
Almost appears that you created a composite of b & W and the musician in color. Very nice
Labels: D100, flowers, Golden Gate Park
Whoa! Warren, it's gorgeous! Magical.. mesmerizing.. and Awesome! Great colour and focus! I really like out of focus petals.. they make the center catch your eye even more! Every which way you run, you get pulled to the middle again :D Woo!
Very nice picture....outside your normal picture choice. Lea said it best, "mesmerizing."
Labels: Panasonic DMC-G1, Portrait, Project Jul. 2010, Project Jun. 2010
Gail and had fun doing this picture. It was July 4th and there was a band playing outside at Pier 39. The woman outside the window here was bouncing around to the music. We noticed that the light was perfect for a reflection shot of Gail's face buried in the woman's hair. It was a challenge to catch the woman mid-bounce in just the right position. Well, we thought it was cool, anyway :)
Yes I do remember cousin it.....when I saw this and knowing it was from the Bay Area......Janis Joplin's has returned.....
Gail, had to explain your use of reflection in this to me Warren, I truly thought you go her to wear a wig. Nice image for the monthly project
Labels: Beaches, Panasonic DMC-G1, Project Jul. 2010
Great pic! A variety of rocks and green colour. Lovely! How did she cross back?? It looks deep.
Thanks Lea :).
Gail is actually standing at a spot on dry land near the edge of the stream. Yes, parts of it were deep.
Too bad it was deep; looks like it would have been fun to hop around the rocks a bit. Hope you two made it out with dry feet!
The angle of the shot gives me the impression that I am a child looking for my mommy and scared by the size of the rocks. Everything is so large. It is what a child would see.
Wooo! Love these.. Cycling is such an *intense* sport! I enjoy watching them race. Such respect. And I always love peloton shots.. Especially liking your second and last shots here. I can hear the riders breaths and whiz of the wheels! :) Also a great third shot.. It really shows the cramped riding position.
I enjoy how you have captured the competitive nature of the sport through the faces of the riders. I like the shot of the "winner" where she knows that she is the best. The least picture shows the understanding of following the rider into front of you to reduce drag.
Really nice!
Labels: 1967, Central Park, Kodak Retina, SteveR
Labels: Carnival, Earleigh Hights, Night Photography, Zipper
Labels: Project Jul. 2010
Way cool. Kind of like using the Russian 35mm cameras. I am a big fan of Iphones and all of the apps. I will be posting some images of a professional bike race I attended and saw some of the pros photographers using apps on their Iphones for composition decisions.
Nice Lea
Lea, very nice work! Your creativity is very refreshing :)
A great effort in capturing the Warhol presentation. Some of us remember when he was the center of the art world. Very Nice Lea.....
Thanks for all the comments! @ Dan: That's pretty awesome the pros are using the iPhones too!! :) @ Warren: w00t! Glad you liked it! @ Dolph: I wish I had a time-machine...
Lea, these are great! The first one has great vintage looking colors. I like the 2nd one with 4 verticals, those are the formats I most remember from the machines we used as kids. Great shots!
Thanks Ted! :)
Christmas colors :)
Warren, you're right! I was a typical hot & humid Central Maryland July day, and that didn't occur to me.
Eric, none of this for you, either! ;-)
There is a definite 3D flatness going on.. a little trippy! :) Cool composition.
I like the James Bond look :).
JB: Do you expect me to talk?
GF: No, Mr. Bond!... I expect you to shoot with that Koni!
Steve, I too like the blues brothers look
The side burns are classic for a few years ago.
Dan - it *is* a Blues Brothers look, isn't it!? That never occurred to me before. I think it's the skinny tie that cinches it.
Plus, at the time, I wasn't married, which means I was a Sole Man
Ouch - sorry for that terrible pun!
LOL, this reminds me of my Yosemite Squirrel. :)
:-) Very imaginative - my Big Smile for today - and a nice portrait.
That is very funny looking.
This picture has some great pieces. I had to enlarge to find all the wonderful advertisements and details.
Thanks Dolph, the town had a lot of Cowboy/Cowgirl feel to it. We even got some relatives some "Cowboy Bubblebath" souvenirs (beans ;)) at a shop!
Labels: Beaches, Highway 1, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
Nice use of conflicting lines between the way the seal are laying and the line of the ocean. The ocean color offsetting the grey beach also really adds to the picture.
Labels: Beaches, Highway 1, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
He looks very comfy!
Great shapes & shadows here, Warren.
Great use of Black and White. I don't think that the picture would be as good in color, nice choice. The quality of the picture shows very nicely the texture of the seal fur as compared to the sand. Like Steve said very nice use of the shadows.
For me the Seal looks to be saying "just let me sleep."
Testing comments...
This reminds me of the St. Stupid's Day parade in SF :)
That bicycle is amazing.
Looking at this give me a neck pain.
Labels: Project Jul. 2010, Washington DC
Labels: Project Jun. 2010, Washington DC
Labels: Project Jul. 2010, Washington DC
Labels: Project Jun. 2010, Washington DC
Labels: Project Jun. 2010, Washington DC
...but what party will he run under Dolph? Very comtemplative image and great light.
Dolph, I think this is one of the best shots that you've ever posted here! The composition and the subdued lighting are great. You're telling a story in a picture. Marvelous!
I think you've got two types of reflection: in the water, and self-reflection of the young boy. Neat!
Labels: Project Jun. 2010
Both very interesting night shots. I like the 2nd one, it's a little sharper, and I like being able to see the capital building.
nice, colorful abstract, Steve.
Did you notice that the pattern is broken at the end of the lineup? :)
I wonder if it does anything to the viewers' mind subconsciously, or if it would be even more pleasing if that last set of three colors were in the right order. hmmmm...
Labels: Project Jun. 2010, Washington DC
hi Dolph, thanks for contributing to the June project. Nice pictures! I think Benson also has the 18-200mm. It seems like a nice travel lens. How do you like it?
Labels: Project Jun. 2010, Washington DC
I really had to look at this. It almost looks like she is floating. Nice use of light and lines.
That's awesome!! Great portrait idea. Love the lines and lighting. I agree, it does look like she's levitating!
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