Urban Animals
I realized part way through my stay in Chile that I better not leave without at least a few candid shots of the urban animals. :)
Curly ears and swirly floor..

Cat Castle..

shhhhh he sleeeeeeeepz..

We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Labels: Chinatown, DMC-GF1, Fish Market, Street
Lovely shot Warren. I remember the monent. Yes.
fantastic shot!
Thanks for the comments, Hera and Joe.
Well, the rest of you will have to keep the posts coming. Gail and I are leaving for a 9 day road trip to Oregon tomorrow morning. I may or may not be posting while on the trip.
I can hear Don Ho signing tiny bubbles, nice image Warren
I find it ironic the bubbles being under the fish... Yup, they're dead.
I have a lot of posting from Chile to do!! ;)
Labels: Devil's Gulch Trail, Panasonic DMC-G1, Samuel P. Taylor State Park, wildflowers
We were busy during the eclipse so I missed out on attempting a shot.
Did you use a filter to shoot through?
No filter Wqrren, used the body to block the sun and the articulated LCD screen to compose and set the settings via the histograph.
Dan, the solar eclipse was too bright for my Sony Handycam even with dark filter on. I made a make shift pinhole camera with two 3x5 cards and watched the projected image of eclipse. I wonder how ancient people first aware of solar eclipse - the sun does not dim much or at all.
Labels: Devil's Gulch Trail, Panasonic DMC-G1, Samuel P. Taylor State Park
Labels: Crimson Columbine, Devil's Gulch Trail, flowers, Panasonic DMC-G1, Samuel P. Taylor State Park, wildflowers
Great shot, Joe. :)
Your title made me search in the crowd to see if I can fine any more 'true love!'.
Awwww! Wonderful moment.
thanks guys...to be honest...i think it's my best street shot ever...
Dan, looks like you didn't have any problems focusing the Tele-Elmar at all. Nice shots.
Haven't seen one for less than $580keep an eye out if you will.
Unfortunately, I have not seen one for sale for a very long time. I was lucky to get mine for < $300 from a fellow RFF member. --WT
Labels: USS IOWA
now...what did I do with that pair of 3-D glasses that Simon gave me last time... hmmm.
Labels: Golden Gate Park, Heron, Panasonic DMC-G1, Stow Lake, Wildlife
Labels: Canada Geese, Golden Gate Park, Panasonic DMC-G1, Stow Lake, Wildlife
Great shot. He looks like a person from a prior century. :)
Wonderful portrait of an unusual-looking guy. He looks like a guru... at something ;-)
thanks guys!
i believe him to be an unusual fellow...he belongs to the local flickr group...quiet man.
Joe, I thought you were happy with your dslr kit? I saw your ad on RFF. What are you switching to?
Looks like you will be having some streetscape fun with this keeper
Anyone have any favorites in this set? :)
I did to some informal pixel peeping comparison between the 14-45mm and the 14mm, and I can say that the 14-45mm at 14mm is very, very close to the IQ of the 14mm prime with the prime having a slight edge in sharpness.
Of course, the advantage is the compactness of the pancake 14mm making the camera with lens a much smaller and lighter package.
I think your abstract and the balloon are my favorites. Did you have to handle any major CA in LR. Otherwise for at 28mm it seems to handle high contrast scenes very well.
That's a good question re: CA. For all I know, the lens might have horrendous CA, but I would never know because the camera's firmware automatically corrects for CA and distortion and then produces a corrected RAW file. This is only when using a Lumix lens on a Lumix body. Olympus bodies will correct Lumix lenses for distortion but not for CA.
So, I did not have to do do any CA correction in this series.
Labels: Landscape, Panasonic DMC-G1, San Andreas Dam, San Mateo, Sawyer Camp Trail
Labels: Black and White, Children, Fairmount Water Works, Joy, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Schuylkill River
fabulous image!
Incredible patterns Steve!!!
Steve, well seen, and well crafted! I really enjoy your work, and I'm glad that you remember to cross post to our blog once in a while :). I love the lovely lines, patterns, and of course, the great subject in motion. :)
Thanks everyone!
I'm sorry I've neglected cross-posting for so long - I have a bunch of new images that I'll post here over the next few days - some from just recently and some that I got from several years ago, but didn't edit.
Labels: flowers, Panasonic DMC-G1, San Mateo
Labels: Black and White, Full Moon, Panasonic DMC-G1, Supermoon
We watched it rise up over the ridge last night. You should haul that big beast out more often. Nice image.
I watched it from the roof. It rose from behind St. Francis hotel.
It looks like a big orange, waiting to be peeled...
love the baseballs!
The first two make a quirky pair ;) Fun idea!
Labels: California Poppy Flower, DMC-GF1, flowers, Landscape, Seal Point Park
Something went awry with the color balance on this. I have fiddled around with it, but have not been able to come up with a satisfactory result (to my eyes). What do you think of the color/tones?
I may start over from the original RAW file and give it another go tonight.
Hey Warren, Nice composition. I think the color balance is fine, perhaps you could address the blown highlights in the flowers and that would give some more richness to the subject. For me the bigger issue in this image is the flare over the tree.
Good eyes on the flare! I did not notice it at all :P.
Great animal street shots :). My favorite is Cat Castle, great composition and processing. It looks like a painting. Also, "Siesta" is a great composition, very artistically places within the image.
Hehe the siesta animals were my fav ;)
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