The Space Between - April Project

Sometimes our perception of where we want to be in life is greatly influenced by which spaces we end up between.
As quickly as he was willing to jump in the bubble, this kids face struck a conflicted pose when the hand blower kicked on screaming air into a not so large space.
Seafood Festival - Pompano Beach Fl
- Tokina 11-16mm - D7000 - F5 1/100th - Flash at dusk pointed away from subject. Was still to high. Which was ultimately what caused me to steer immediately towards black and white. But the glare was so bad above his head and my HDR style approach to widen the pixels and give more definition to see the boy and give more visibility to the girl in the back deciding her fate may have backfired. Redone in Lightroom and honestly I would redo if time allowed me to. But I consider this one of my favorites from Saturday and the most appropriate for my not so thought out -over thought idea. =)
Labels: Bubble Boy, Light Room, Nikon D7000, Project April 2014 "Space Between", Sea Food Festival
Great capture of the moment especially in the kid's expression, Carl! :)
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