Saturday, December 31, 2011
Toronto Skyline

The timing was fortuitous in terms of the position of the sun, and the weather was totally cooperative, with very blue sky and nice puffy clouds. As I shot, some of the clouds passed between us and the top of the 1815-foot spire.
Labels: Billy Bishop City Airport, Canada, Canon S90, CN Tower, Skyline, Toronto
- Lea said...
I love the tower in the clouds :) lol i hope the visit with your Canadian outlaws was fun! Happy New Year!
- Dolph Brust said...
A wonderful picture of Toronto. The city is beautiful and when the weather cooperates it can be fun to walk around and see the old and new.
**Dolph - Warren T. said...
Nice cityscape :)
I like the brilliant blue sky.
Ritz Camera Camera

I soon noticed that the "lens" actually was capturing passerby, and I captured a few myself, with this one being my favorite.
Labels: Canon S90, Humor, Ritz Camera, Street Photography
- Dolph Brust said...
This is a fun composition. The timing of the person walking by and turning to look at you taking the shot is perfect.
**Dolph - Warren T. said...
Great timing! This could be an advertisement for something :)
--WT - Warren T. said...
This also reminds me of those James Bond movie opening sequences where they show Bond walking in front of the barrel of a gun (from the point of view of looking through the gun's barrel).
--WT - Steve Rosenbach said...
;-) Warren - the James Bond thing is also what I saw once I edited it.
- Lea said...
Nice hydrant impression, it's kind of a mushroom shape too. The smell of real trees for the holidays ..mmm!
- Dolph Brust said...
Looks to me like the little hydrant was hiding from getting a cleaning job....."if that maintenance man doesn't see me maybe he won't give me a bath and then paint me"
- Warren T. said...
That's great! LOL!
- Dolph Brust said...
Better watch out for wrinkles from being in the sun too long.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
- Lea said...
Woooah. It's amazing! Absolutely beautiful imagination...
- Dolph Brust said...
This is fantastic.....I had to look at this for a long time to really understand the image. Did you try this in black and white?
**Dolph - Warren T. said...
Dolph, I did not try it in B&W, I wanted to keep the sunset glow.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
- tedm said...
Hi Lea, I know where this is, I ate down the street on N. Calif. this afternoon. PA and MV are great cities!
- dan in marin said...
Welcome Lea, looking forward to your interesting postings of the Bay Area. We have been in a drought with no rain and just cold and clear, so you will be seeing the sun.
Dan - Warren T. said...
Welcome to the Bay Area, Lea!
More photo ops for you!
--Warren - Lea said...
Hi Ted, maybe we will cross paths again :)
Dan, I noticed the creek here in town has not even a drop of water. A little spooky... Seattle's surrounded in so much water I am not used to a sight like that.
And thanks Warren! Yes, it's going to be a great experience I have a feeling....
Thursday, December 22, 2011
- Warren T. said...
Nice shot, this reminds me Edo Castle in Japan.
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
Where is Harry P and his pals flying around the castle. I really like the light on this shot.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Beached Kayak

Lumix DMC-GF1, Lumix 45-200mm
This looks like a selective coloring exercise, but that is in fact how the scene looked in color, at Richardson Bay in Tiburon. The owner was an older gentleman who paddled his way to the edge of the shore, stepped out of his kayak, and continued walking without looking back at his recently dragged-ashore kayak.
- Lea said...
Such an odd colouring and feel for this, like it is somewhat similar to landing on the moon. The trip he took must have been rough if he had no energy to even look back.. lol! Awesome post!
- Lea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
- Dolph Brust said...
This is a print and show shot. A great presentation!.
Monday, December 12, 2011
- Warren T. said...
good catch! very humorous :).
I don't know if you intended it this way, but this image is a little dark on my monitor.
--Warren - dan in marin said...
Warren difficult light since it was taken at 7 AM before the sun rose. Played with it some, I suppose a layered HDR in PS might realize a better image.
Dan - Lea said...
Haha! Yeah that's cute... There is always one... Lovely rural scene :)
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Dan, these are wonderful sunset photos. You guys rock!
- Warren T. said...
Steve, these are sunrise shots, a great counterpoint to my sunset shots :).
--WT - Lea said...
I love the fence post silhouettes, stirring up the clouds and colour above. Surreal!
Rockefeller Center - Dressed for Christmas

I had wanted to walk down the Channel Gardens to get that classical view, from Fifth Avenue, of the angels along the Gardens and the Christmas tree straight-on against 30 Rockefeller Center - but there was just too large a crowd for me to even get close in the time I had left before catching my 6pm bus back home. I detoured west on 51st Street, which was less packed, at least in relative terms, and took this photo from the north side of Rockefeller Plaza.
Labels: Christmas, HDR, Manhattan, New York City, NYC, Rockefeller Center
- Warren T. said...
Very nice composition, Steve. Is this an HDR image? If so, good job on the HDR work.
--WT - Steve Rosenbach said...
Thanks, Warren - yup, they are all 3-exposure images merged with the NIK HDR Effex Pro add-in.
- Lea said...
The blue lights are a beautiful winter dream... Leaving the warmth of the tree untouched. Marvelous!
St. Bartholomew Dome Interior

It was a great experience - Dave is very creative and an excellent teacher. If any of you get a chance to spend some time in NYC, try to look him up, or even better, take a lesson from him. You won't be sorry.
After our lesson, I went to St. Bartholomew's on Park Avenue and 51st Street. It's a beautiful Byzantine-style basilica. It's one of those special places where even if think you haven't seen it, you probably have - Hollywood loves it for scenes of high-falutin' weddings. Both the original and the remake of Arthur used St. Bart's for their wedding scenes. The church also had a very big part in the Angelina Jolie film, Salt.
I took several interior shots with a tripod at St. Bart's before a docent came up to me and said that tripods were not allowed. To get this photo of the interior of the dome, I laid my camera flat on its back on a table just underneath the crossing, set it for Automatic Exposure Bracketing, and triggered off the three exposures with my infrared remote shutter release. Back home, I assembled the three exposures using NIK's HDR Effex Pro to get what you see here.
It's very interesting... I could barely make out the detail in the dome, it was that dark. But thanks to 21st-century electronics, our digital sensors just keep sucking up photons until the image processing chip says "enough." And unlike film, long exposures don't suffer from reciprocity failure. What a great world we photographers now live in!
p.s. Sorry about that photo of Russel Brand running out of St. Bart's in his gatkes.
Labels: Architecture, Churches, Dave Beckerman, HDR, Manhattan, New York City, NIK Software, NYC, Photoshop, Post-processing, St. Bartholomew
- Warren T. said...
Great story behind this interesting image. :)
--WT - dan in marin said...
Great geometry Steve. Love the colors as well.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Sights of the Season

Autumn Leaves Caressing a Church Steeple:

Store Window Santa Doll:

Labels: Holidays, Panasonic DMC-G1, St. Helena
- Dolph Brust said...
The color of the leaves against the blue sky are very nice. A big change from someone that sees green palm trees most days.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Dahlgren Hall: U.S. Naval Academy

Labels: Annapolis, Architecture, Canon S90, Dahlgren Hall, Maryland, Romanesque, US Naval Academy
Naval Academy Chapel Dome

Labels: Annapolis, Architecture, Basilica, Beaux Arts, Canon S90, Churches, Ernest Flagg, HDR, Maryland
- dan in marin said...
Nice composition Steve. I like the off center of the glass dome and the pattern below.
Dan - Lea said...
Whoa it seems to move! Very cool.
- Dolph Brust said...
A wonderful composition. I love the starburst effect on some of the lights and the pattern of the tile. This is something you can look at for a longer period of time and still find something new in the photograph.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Sunset at Pacifica Pier #4

Labels: Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1, Sunset
- Lea said...
The cloud glides over and through the winds and, like a kite, it seems so agile and unpredictable. Wonderful lightness.
- Dolph Brust said...
I love the colors. The combination of clouds and fog add lots of color to the photograph.
**Dolph - Steve Rosenbach said...
Warren - I like both of these a lot, but this one is my favorite - I think it's the tiny silhouetted figures in the foreground at just the right spot.
Lea - your comment is so poetically expressed! :-)
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Sunset at Pacifica Pier #3, "Fire Water"

Labels: Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1, Sunset
- Lea said...
This reminds me of a tiramisu cake... that delicious layer of mascarpone sunset.... mmmm -_-
Sunset at Pacifica Pier #2

Labels: Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1, Sunset
Friday, December 02, 2011
- Warren T. said...
Yikes! I can feel the cold .
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
Burrrrrr from the florida observer.......
Snoopy with a red beany on :)
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