SF Bay Bridge Scene, Nikon D100, Tamron 24-135mm @ 105mm, 1/1000 f8

Notes: We went for brunch today (Sunday, 1/23/2005) at Town's End Restaurant on the Embarcadero & Townsend Street. I decided to shoot the D100 today with the zoom lenses (18-35mm and 24-135mm). We walked from the restaurant to the Ferry Building and back. On the way to the Ferry Building, I was shooting the 18-35mm when I came upon this woman talking on her cell phone with the Bay Bridge in the background. I took a few shots with that lens, and I continued walking because it was too wide for what I was looking for. I didn't think any more about it, but on the walk back to the car about half an hour later, I decided to mount the 24-135mm just to get a different perspective for the other direction. I found that the woman was still there talking on her phone, and the light was even better than the first time I saw her, so I grabbed a few more shots, this time with the right lens.
-- Warren
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