Friday, November 30, 2012
Lake Laguna Twilight
We got to Lake Laguna in San Luis Obispo right around sunset.
Labels: DMC-GF1, Lake Laguna, San Luis Obispo, Sunset
- Steve Rosenbach said...
It's a really beautiful sihouette - I like the way the bulk of the hills contrasts with the delicacy of the brush in the foreground - you caught the light on the water just right to do that effectively :-)
- said...
Beautiful sunset scene...nice twilight capture. I really like reflection in the pond of the light effect that wildflowers detail...Amazing !
Lena, - Dolph Brust said...
I really like the backlighting effect against the colors of the water.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Before and After
This was taken at Shelter Cove, Pismo Beach, right outside our hotel.
Labels: Abstracts, Conceptual, Panasonic DMC-G1, Pismo Beach, Shelter Cove
- Warren T. said...
This should actually be titled: After and Before, but Before and After is the "normal" way to phrase it :).
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
that is you are not going to take me and extend your walkway......stay back or ill jump.
Philly City Hall
Labels: 1 Liberty Place, Architecture, Canon XSI, City Hall, Helmut Jahn, Philadelphia, Philly, Second Empire, Tamron 18-270 SuperZoom
- dan in marin said...
I like the juxtaosition between the architecture. Nice composition Steve. The foreground has a silver sheed to it as compared to the sky blue background.
Dan - Dolph Brust said...
This is really the "after and before" composition. Both of the buildings are wonderful in a different way. I've been in downtown Philly and have seen both buildings. I'm trying to figure out where you shot this from and how.
Great challenging photo.
**Dolph - Warren T. said...
Hey, I just realized that Steve's picture and mine would be a good diptych! Another case of SteveR and myself being eerily on the same wavelength in our postings.
--Warren - Steve Rosenbach said...
Hi Dolph - I made this shot from across the street of the east side of City Hall. I may have walked back eastward on Market Street, too. I took it with my Tamron 18-270mm lens towards the long end.
I had to tilt the camera upward to make the shot, then corrected the LBS ("Leaning Building Syndrome") in Photoshop - it cut off part of the City Hall portion, but I had left enough empty space above 1 Liberty Place to keep it in the shot.
A large part of the appeal of the image to me is also the "after and before" aspect - I very much like Helmut Jahn's postmodern building and also the highly ornamented City Hall :-) - Steve Rosenbach said...
" Another case of SteveR and myself being eerily on the same wavelength in our postings."
Warren... that's amazing, I didn't notice it at first, but you're right!
Are you sure we aren't related??? ;-)
Trefoil Arch Passage

There are 35 bridges and arches in Central Park - each one unique. Trefoil arch is, in a way, the most unique, as it's the only one where each entrance to the passageway is shaped differently. The west-side arch is a round Roman one, while the east-side opening is the trefoil (three-lobed) one you see here.
Jacob Wrey Mould, and constructed in 1862. It serves one of several paths that connect Bethesda Terrace to Conservatory Waters.
Welcome to our newest Forum member, Carl! Warren's message that you were joining prompted me to check, and I realized that I'm way behind in holding up my end of the forum.
Labels: Architecture, Bethesda Terrace, Canon T2i, Cavlert Vaux, Central Park, Conservatory Waters, Jacob Wrey Mould, New York City, NYC, Tamron 18-270 SuperZoom, Trefoil Arch
- Warren T. said...
Very interesting architecture, thanks for posting here, Steve :)
--WT - Dolph Brust said...
I'm going to be in New York this weekend for three days and plan on walking through the parks. This really makes me want to explore the bridges.
**Dolph - Warren T. said...
Dolph, I would love to see your take on this location. --WT
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Dolph - have a great time in NYC this weekend!
I took this image in late afternoon when I noticed the brilliant lighting on the far side of the arch. I used AEC to take a set of 3 quick photos and combined them, so as to be able to handle both the brights and darks.
I framed up and then waited for someone to walk into the arch from either side, so as to be sihouetted. - total time was about 1/2 hour - often someone else would walk across the front of my image at just the right time for the one going through the arch. I got a few decent silhouettes, but I think this was the best one. is the best site for info on various features of the Park. It's got a sorta lame web design, but the information is golden. I especially like the pdf maps, which are zoomable.
Good shooting - can't wait to see what you come back with!
Squirrel at Moonstone Beach
We were hiking at Moonstone Beach in Cambria where I saw this little guy come out from under the boardwalk.
If you click to enlarge the picture, you can see me reflected in its eye. :)
Labels: Cambria, Moonstone Beach, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
- said...
So cut this little guy...:-) nice and detail. lovely capture !
Lena, - Lea said...
Very cute, I really like the colours in the fur and of the background.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Do you have dinner plans.
Last weekend we were at Seaworld in Orlando. In the underwater viewing tank this little guy slowly came towards me.
I'm glad the glass was between me and him.
Labels: Sharks
- dan in marin said...
I like the green hue of this monster, it gives it an unworldly appearance. How many turkeys could it eat?
Saturday, November 17, 2012
After the Harvest
A few grapes remained on the vines after the harvest.
Labels: Autumn, Panasonic DMC-G1, Vineyard
- said...
Nice light capture on remained grapes...:-)
Lena, - Dolph Brust said...
I like the lines and the structure of the composition. The story is great.....I feel bad that the little grapes didn't make into the bottle.....
Friday, November 16, 2012
Snowy Egret
One of my favorite birds... :)
Labels: Egret, India Basin, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
This shorebird breeds in the Arctic Tundra, but spends winters in the Bay Area and other southern areas.
Labels: India Basin, Panasonic DMC-G1, Shorebirds, Whimbrel, Wildlife
- Unknown said...
I dont understand all the terminology yet or how to describe what I am beginning to see. But this seams to have a very deliberate angle and sharp structure that a week ago I dont think I would have appreciated.Now I dont want to stop looking at it. Very Cool.I love this feeling of pure enjoyment. I never know what will present itself in the next photo I look at. I feel like I was given new eyes and a heart tune up.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Flugtag San Francisco
Along with 50,000 others I went to the Flugtag event in San Francisco last weekend. Good fun, and some of the fanciful pilots actually designed a flying craft. Note what happens after to the air craft at the end of take their 5 seconds of fame (#3). The 30+ entries can be really divided into those who want to actually fly and those looking to have a good time and party. All in all a good mix. Nikon d800e, Nikon 70-200, TC 1.4. Dan
- Warren T. said...
You caught some great expressions on the participants' faces :) I saw some of the event on the Internet livecam. Lea and Tyler were there too. I'm sure we'll see some of Lea's shots soon.
--WT - Steve Rosenbach said...
Great photos, Dan! These are great fun - we had one in Baltimore 5 years ago.
- said...
It was fun event. nice captured all those actions...:-)
Lena, - dan in marin said...
Looking forward to Lea's take on the event. Thanx everyone
Dan - Dolph Brust said...
Miami had the same event about 2 weeks before San Francisco. We couldn't get close. It looks more like great fun than engineers at work. Were the participants from around in the area? Most of the ones in Miami were from the east coast.
I like the jaws picture best.
**Dolph - dan in marin said...
Happy Turkey Day Dolph. The location of the participants seems to be similar to your event, with most of the folks from West of the Rockies.
Dan - Lea said...
Haha, great shots... I wonder how many concussions there were.... :O
Yet to develop mine but I will post them :) - Steve Rosenbach said...
At the one I saw, I was surprised to see that the ones I thought would fly well just nose-dived off the end of the pier. The winner was one that didn't, to me, look aerodynamic at all (I think it was a hot-dog shaped flyer.)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
For the Birds
Here's what the rest of the pier looks like. It's collapsed in the middle, so it's used as a roosting place for the local seagulls now.
Labels: Black and White, India Basin, Old Piers, Panasonic DMC-G1, Pier 96
- Warren T. said...
They either getting ready to land, or getting ready to poop! LOL! :)
Reflections of an Old Pier
An abandoned and crumbling pier near Pier 96 at India Basin.
Labels: India Basin, Old Piers, Panasonic DMC-G1, Reflections
Landing Gear Down? Check.
Sticking a landing...
Labels: India Basin, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
- said...
Nice capture...lovely shot !
- Dolph Brust said...
I wonder if birds get nervous when landing.......
Good stop action shot.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Cargo Containers at India Basin
Cliche? :)
This is near Pier 96 on the S.F. waterfront.
Labels: Abstracts, Cargo Containers, India Basin, Panasonic DMC-G1, Pier 96
- Lea said...
Beautiful quilt.. :)
- said...
Gorgeous !very nice colors frame. detail and great light. awesome image.
Lena, - Dolph Brust said...
Very nice abstact composition....
- Warren T. said...
Nice lighting on the boarder, and interesting patterns in the reflections.
Seen at Bodega Bay.
Labels: Black and White, Panasonic DMC-G1, Wildlife
- Lea said...
Really interesting abstraction, great colours and textures :) It could be a statue head.. coming to life with the rest of the colours, slowly...
- Dolph Brust said...
It is interesting that nature has a way of creating wonderful patterns.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Local Fall Colors
Labels: Fall Colors, Foster City, LX5
Thursday, November 08, 2012
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Really nice abstract!
- Warren T. said...
Thanks Steve.
Oops! I forgot to give this post a title...
i'll take care of that now.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Chairs in the Sun
Labels: Abstracts, Black and White, Japantown, Panasonic DMC-G1, Peace Plaza
- dan in marin said...
When I first viewed the image I really liked it, but after viewing it more closely, I kind of get distracted, by too many lines. Just me maybe.
Dan - Warren T. said...
Story behind this one: It was on the day of the Blue Angels airshow. We met Dan, Lea, and Tyler at the Peace Plaza in Japantown. As we walked through the plaza, there were rows of chairs set up for a concert. It was a sunny, crisp day, and I was struck by the bright light contrasted by the dark chairs and the shadows under the chairs. I would consider this a "warm up"' shot, like I described a while back.
When I was reviewing my shots, I tried various crops and was never really satisfied with any of them, and I also considered leaving it in color vs. doing a B&W conversion.
Anyway, I thought I'd post it here to try and stimulate some discussion. It's okay to say that it didn't work for you (any of you) :).
--Warren - Lea said...
I think it's great in b&w. The ambiguity between the shadows and chair legs works well... Maybe raising the camera a little higher would have made it a little more dynamic... I'm picturing myself also rotating the camera 45 degrees ccw, closer, and higher..
Hopefully that was constructive.. ?... D:
Saturday, November 03, 2012
- dan in marin said...
That is one serious looking snail Dolph, I like how you captured it in the grass, looking rather benign.
The White Mtns. are actually about 75 miles SE from the Devil's Postpile, very scenic site and will have to revist on my next trip. - Warren T. said...
Mother Nature at her finest. Nicely lit shot. :)
Well I guess its a start. =)
I have so much to learn! Thanks for having me.
Excellent photo Carl! I like the out-of-focus background you chose.
This is a great first post, Carl :)
It's a great application of selective coloring. Did you use Photoshop to do it?
I was wondering why you chose not to also color hand and arm?
Lastly, I like the child's expression, a bit proud, serious, and a little defiant.
Carl nicely done. The combined use of color and depth of field focuses our attention onto the subject.
So cute and lovely kid...:-)
This is attitude! Good luck to the parents in the future.....can't you heard this kid talken to me.....
Great post...keep them coming.
Man am I behind, I swear I tried looking at the comments previously and couldnt get to them.... I didnt color his hand because I was trying to draw more attention to his face and eyes... I used color splash on my I-pad to bring the color back and tint the photo slightly. Thanks for the great feed-back... I am going to post a photo now for Dolph =)
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