Flugtag San Francisco
Along with 50,000 others I went to the Flugtag event in San Francisco last weekend. Good fun, and some of the fanciful pilots actually designed a flying craft. Note what happens after to the air craft at the end of take their 5 seconds of fame (#3). The 30+ entries can be really divided into those who want to actually fly and those looking to have a good time and party. All in all a good mix. Nikon d800e, Nikon 70-200, TC 1.4. Dan
You caught some great expressions on the participants' faces :) I saw some of the event on the Internet livecam. Lea and Tyler were there too. I'm sure we'll see some of Lea's shots soon.
Great photos, Dan! These are great fun - we had one in Baltimore 5 years ago.
It was fun event. nice captured all those actions...:-)
Looking forward to Lea's take on the event. Thanx everyone
Miami had the same event about 2 weeks before San Francisco. We couldn't get close. It looks more like great fun than engineers at work. Were the participants from around in the area? Most of the ones in Miami were from the east coast.
I like the jaws picture best.
Happy Turkey Day Dolph. The location of the participants seems to be similar to your event, with most of the folks from West of the Rockies.
Haha, great shots... I wonder how many concussions there were.... :O
Yet to develop mine but I will post them :)
At the one I saw, I was surprised to see that the ones I thought would fly well just nose-dived off the end of the pier. The winner was one that didn't, to me, look aerodynamic at all (I think it was a hot-dog shaped flyer.)
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