Sunday, February 27, 2011
- Warren T. said...
Hang in there, Joe! :) Spring is just around the corner.
How about braving the cold some more, and getting us some wintery cityscapes or landscapes from your hometown? I'd love to see what it looks like.
--Warren - Simon Chan said...
I like it very much. It is comforting.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
- Warren T. said...
This evokes images of an accountant's nightmare during tax preparation season :)
--WT - back alley said...
someone else called it surreal...
- Lea said...
Looking for the secret entrance.. hmmm which one was it...... Love this!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Woman on Steps

On the entablature resting atop the Corinthian colonnade is the famous inscription, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Labels: Beaux Arts, Canon 450D, Cityscape, NYC, Tamron 18-270 SuperZoom
Lyn & Steve's Excellent Adventure

We drove to Hoboken to take some photos of the Manhattan skyline from the campus my alma mater, Stevens Institute of Technology. Before heading to Manhattan via the PATH train, we checked out the magnificent interior of the old train and ferry terminal.
Here, Lyn perched at the top of the staircase for a better view at the Erie-Lackawanna terminal in Hoboken.
After a pilgrimage to B&H Photo upon arrival in Manhattan, we went to Chinatown, Civic Center, walked across Brooklyn Bridge, and finally Empire-Fulton Park in Brooklyn as the sun sank over NY Harbor.
A great day!... more photos to come.
P.S. - if any FPCF-ers come this way, I'll be happy to serve as a photo tour guide to NYC if it's a weekend or a day that I can take off!
- Warren T. said...
Nice location shot :).
I'd love to see more from your photo excursion. It's been many years since I've been to NYC.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
May 14, 2010 - Launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis
Labels: Space Shuttle Atlantis
- Warren T. said...
Wow! That's a unique experience. I'm sure pictures and video don't do it justice. You had to be there.
Stereograph/3D photo

Labels: Stereograph
- Warren T. said...
Simon, when were these taken?
- Simon Chan said...
They were taken last May. I went to Florida for the May 14 launch of space shuttle Atlantis. It was supposed to be Atlantis's last launch, but Atlantis was called to fly the very last shuttle mission this June. Launch viewing tickets were hard to get. I did not book flight and room until after I had secured a viewing ticket. Not knowing the area, so I decided to stay at a Disney World resort. One phone call and they took care of everything just 2 weeks before launch date. I only bring my 3D camera to special events.
- Lea said...
The colour shake is cool! I especially like the plane. I'll come back to these if i get my hands on some 3d glasses but it is interesting like this too :)
- Simon Chan said...
Thanks Lea!
Warren, could you pass a pair of 3D glasses to Lea please, thanks! - Warren T. said...
Lea lives in Seattle.
Lea, if you email me your mailing address, I'll drop one off in the mail for you. They are light and flat, so it will only be first class postage, I think.
Taking a Breather

Labels: Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1
Monday, February 14, 2011
Stereograph/3D photo

Labels: Stereograph
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Howard Reads Yiddish

Among other things, he's distinguished because when he joined our little team at the University, he was issued an ID card that says "Faculty," instead of "Staff," as it was supposed to be. So since then, I've referred to him as "Professor."
One day last December, as Howard and I arrived at our Light Rail destination in the morning, we got an alert from work that our building had lost power, and that they didn't expect it to be restord until late afternoon... so they were telling everyone to go home for the day. Howard and I decided to stay on the Light Rail and ride it to the northern end of the line - a nice 45 minute journey northward.
One the way back, I remembered that I had with me a copy of the "Forwarts" ("Forward",) a Yiddish newspaper I had brought back from New York some months earlier. I bought it strictly for photographic purposes - I thought it would be humorous to take pictures of people who you wouldn't expect to be reading a Yiddish publication - and Howard fit the bill. I still have to arrange to take a picture of it with one of my Asian friends.
For a while, we had this photo posted in our office between our desks as a way of showing how learned Professor Howard really was!
Labels: Black and White, Canon S90, Friends, Howard, Humor, Portrait
- Warren T. said...
Nice transit picture with a great story to go with it! Thanks for posting a picture here, Steve.
--Warren - Steve Rosenbach said...
Thanks, Warren. The inspiration for this was an advertising campaign for Levy's Rye Bread, very popular on the east cost in the '70s.
Here's a link that shows a number of the ads
Now if only I could get out to SF to get some pictures of you reading the Forvarts or the "Algemeiner Dzjournahl" with great concentration, maybe with Eric peering over you shoulder .... ;-)
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Gail on New Year's Eve

Labels: Pacifica, Panasonic DMC-G1, Portrait
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Great Egret in Flight

Labels: DMC-GF1, Egret, Redwood Shores, Wildlife
- Warren T. said...
hmmm, does this look a little too dark on your monitor?
also, i guess we don't have a project theme this month, so we'll probably skip it this month.
--Warren - Warren T. said...
well, nobody's home...
I thought it was too dark, so I adjusted it a bit, and reloaded a new version.
--WT - Steve Rosenbach said...
This looks fantastic, Warren!
Not only amazing timing on your part, but it's a beautiful composition - the placement of the egret is great, and I love the curved divider between the black and the blue.
You've held detail in the whites of the egret beautifully.
White, aqua, and black - so simple and effective.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
- Warren T. said...
Nice mood :)
- Steve Rosenbach said...
This is awesome, Dan!
You've got just enough detail in the shadows at right to add interest, while keeping the air of mystery in that part of the photo.
very pretty scene :)
Wow, really well-composed and well-executed!
thanks guys!
edmonton is great in the summer.
Joe, Edmonton looks pretty good in the winter too. But I guess the cold weather can get annoying if you have to live there. I see from your ads that you're selling your M4/3 outfit. So your M4/3 experiment is finished? Will you be trying the X100?
the sale is not going's a great camera but i only use the 20 on it so i'm thinking that the new x100 might be a good fit for me also.
if it does not sell i wont be disappointed though.
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