Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I Adopted Another Orphan, Canon SD300

Labels: Camera Story, Canon A570IS, Canon SD300
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Hey Warren,
You'll love this camera! I inherited my daughter's old SD400 when she got a better digicam. I took it everywhere, and it works great.
Just one thing to note: I carried the camera around in my pocket, along with keys, change, etc. After a few weeks, I noticed that I had caused the anti-reflection coating on the LCD screen to mostly erode away. This resulted in not being able to view the screen very well except almost head-on.
So if you carry it around in a pants pocket, either protect the screen in some way or don't carry anything else in that pocket.
Do that, and you'll enjoy this camera for years!
Have fun! - Lea said...
i ehm.. busted my SD400... biking accident :\ Luckily, I survived... :D I have had an SD750 for the past 2 years I think it's been. ooo, i guess my bio is still outta date then. I'll send you an email with the edit.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Park Pics

Thought the guy fishing was pretty interesting, considering the scene across the lake --> Huge beautiful homes, glowing expensive exteriors even exaggerated by the summery setting sun shining upon them.
And then there is this simpler looking lifestyle of fishing. It's in the shadows, unnoticed, un-spectacular, un-glamorous.
It was just.. interesting I guess... But maybe he lives in one of those homes ..hehe... best of both worlds.
And I liked the natural framing of the other pic. The leaves managed to catch some of the evening sunlight :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
- Warren T. said...
That's a really cool prop effect, Laurie. :)
did you know that it was going to look like that?
--Warren - Lea said...
that's awesome, everything is so clear too!
- Dolph Brust said...
That is wild. I've been around the airline and aircraft business most of my life, and I have never seen a picture like that! This is great.
- Unknown said...
Since I got my iPhone, I've been taking just random shots - not really trying to be artistic or anything but just snaps to send home or to a friend. You can try this out too. I discovered that it takes photos this way while in a moving car. It captures the movement at different points in time. Actually, as I'm writing this comment, I googled iphone camera distortion and came across this link:
What do ya know! lol - Lea said...
ha, that's awesome! yours has a better view of the ground --nice view!
- dan in marin said...
Your use of the iphone and Lea's use of the iphone applications, make this a neat little tool. Nice work Laurie
- Warren T. said...
LOL, it's been a long time since I've seen that movie.
--Warren - Dolph Brust said...
I wonder if this is a comment about the company we are working for? The eyes are just not big enough to be Milton.
- Unknown said...
It's one of the greats! No, Dolph. I just tend to associate fish with small brains and slight mental retardation. Isn't he cute?!
- Warren T. said...
Remember the scene in Office Space where no matter which lane you're commuting in on the freeway, your lane is always the slowest? :P
Gail and I always look at each other and say: "Office Space!" whenever we get stuck in a slow lane :).
Sunday, September 20, 2009
- Lea said...
yeah great shapes!! Very interesting :)
- Eric said...
Great shot, Dan. I love the contrast in shapes and I love the fact that the porthole acts as a frame.
- Dolph Brust said...
The various lines and shapes make this interesting.
Dolph - Warren T. said...
Dan, Gail likes this one a lot. It's done in Gail's style that she refers to as "Portals" photos.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Van Gogh's room
- Warren T. said...
Hi Laurie, it's your first post!!! Once again, welcome to the group, and I look forward to seeing a lot more of your pictures in the future.
I really like the composition and the color of the Van Gogh room photo. And the landscape shot looks very familiar, it must be a popular scene to photograph because of the connection with Van Gogh.
Interesting choice of color on the landscape. Did you add this later, or was your camera set up to take it that way?
--Warren - dan in marin said...
I like the lighting on the chair in his room. I think that lighting captures his style.
Dan - Lea said...
oooo, I really like that first shot too. It's draws in my attention right away. Good lines and composition :)
- Dolph Brust said...
This is a very nice picture....But I've seen the shoe pictures. Bring on the shoes.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Poplar Beach, Half Moon Bay

Labels: D100, Half Moon Bay, Landscape, Tamron
- Steve Rosenbach said...
wow, beautiful lighting!
- Lea said...
What a VIEW! I like the combination of hard light shadows and an interesting variety of sizes. Love it :)
- Dolph Brust said...
I feel like E.T. .....HOME...HOME....
Great picture with the afternoon sun.
- Dolph Brust said...
Lines and great use of the various angles.
My only concern is, who was watching for the cable cars?
Ceiling Light Abstract

Labels: Abstracts, Black and White, D100
- dan in marin said...
For me the futuristic feel to this is in large part to your angle nicely done.
Dan - Eric said...
So Warren, were you thinking of Blade Runner when you took this? What inspired it? A skin job? Were people speaking Streetspeak by any chance?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
- Lea said...
nice pic! i can hear the babbling brook just by looking at this =P the viewer is like another patch of grass trying to not get swept away by the current. or maybe we are like a frog sitting on a rock peeking out of the water.. or maybe the insect flying for safety into the shadows and plantlife.. froggy coming to eat me!!! AAH :)))
- dan in marin said...
Wow, you are getting a lot out of the image. I got cold feet trying to compose it while standing in the water.
Thanx Lea
Monday, September 14, 2009
In the Darkness

Playing around with some shots like TedM's Ghosts! post. This one made me LOL. Creepy....! :)
I took the longest exposure I think I've ever taken to get the lava tube shot...... I think it was like 30 seconds. It was so dark!

- Warren T. said...
WOW! Lea, i think you take the prize for the most interesting, fun, and CREEPY picture in the history of FPCF to-date!!! I love it! (Thanks to Ted for the original exposure idea.)
The lava tube photo is cool too, it reminds me of the picture that I took of Gail inside a Hawaiian lava tube that I posted here a couple of years ago.
--Warren - dan in marin said...
What a perspective Lea, very interesting colors on the rocks. I like the low light shot as well. Reminds me of some scifi imagery (time shifting).
Dan - Lea said...
wow thanks! i was surprised how different photographs in the dark are. everything takes longer ;P
the lava tube has some people walking towards me in the back.. hence the zig zag of light back. and the minerals in the rock would give off a really cool glimmer from the flashlights, i kept trying to catch that...
If you have ever seen the movie The Descent -- i was thinking of it so often while we were in there. Luckily the caves were busy enough that i was terrified! - Eric said...
They're psychically connected. Ooooooo...
- Lea said...
I like the little sections of green! Really gives the landscape a bit of a highlight.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
- dan in marin said...
Great Capture Light Eric. For me it evokes a deco style of art.
Dan - Warren T. said...
it looks alive :)
--WT - Eric said...
Thank you, guys. I really love stuff like this.
Friday, September 11, 2009
- Warren T. said...
Your design training shows on this composition, pure colors of the subjects, the sculpture and the man in the jet black suit really stand out against the grey, industrial surrounding. It's a very nice composition and a well captured moment. The man's gaze directs our eye to the sculpture. :)
--WT - Eric said...
Thanks. You're right, Warren, my design training does show. I didn't see it till you said something.
- Steve Rosenbach said...
Yeah, Warren got it spot on. Great photo, for all the reasons Warren said. :-)
- Eric said...
Thanks, Steve.
- Lea said...
yep - I also agree with Warren's comments! (well, I didn't know about the design training but the rest -good good! :)
Really Awesome! - Eric said...
Thanks Lea. Yep, I was in the College of Environmental Design at the Univ of Colorado at Boulder from 1977 - 1980. I knew when I was beat, so I then majored in psychology. Now I work with computers. Go figure.
- Lea said...
i guess you've got a well-rounded background from it all. i really enjoyed psych classes in uni, gives you so many new perspectives on people and yourself :)
SFMOMA Stairwell

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Crystal Springs at Sunset
Just some simple scenes, on a crisp evening at Crystal Springs Reservoir...

Labels: Black and White, Crystal Springs, D100, Landscape, Tamron
- Lea said...
aww wow, lovely! despite my fondness for the water in the first pic, i think i like the second even more! the patched cracks on the road are really interesting to follow and the fog it leads to is so pleasant. It's a nice composition of black and white throughout the image as well.. lots of leading lines, and the silhouette tree on the top right is a really nice touch! 10/10 imo :)
- Warren T. said...
Thanks for the comments, Lea!
--WT - dan in marin said...
Great lighting on both Warren, in the color the golden sunlight on the green foliage is wonderful and in the B & W the darkness in the road as compared to the light sky gives a sense of mystery.
Dan - Eric said...
Warren, the bottom photo looks likes something out of an ad.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Tri X 400

- Warren T. said...
hi Dan, it is interesting to see your class assignments. Thanks for posting. Did you mean that you push processed at +1 stop (as if you shot at iso 800)? Do you remember what your exposure was? Did you use your new(used) Canon film slr?
--Warren - Lea said...
nice pic! you have really captured the "regular" out of the scene.. those people on the right are just walking away as if he was selling sunglasses...!
- dan in marin said...
Warren, no I reduced the time in the tank to process as a ISO 200
Dan - dan in marin said...
Warren, this is the new (used) Canon and this was shot at f11 with a speed of 250. In order to pull the film down to 200 you keep it in the tank with developer for 8 minutes vs. the normal 10 minutes.
Dan - Warren T. said...
hi Dan, I'm trying to understand why you needed to pull the film to 200. Was it just for this shot? Wouldn't f11/500 have produced the same result without having to pull to 200? Just curious...
WT - dan in marin said...
Sorry Warren, I did not explain the assignment with one roll of film. We had to capture motion images and keep everything in focus background, subject and foreground, as well as, capture a subject and blur a moving background and/or foreground. Obviously the later would require slow shutter speeds, while shooting at f11 to f8 for reasonable DOF. With the high ISO you could not get proper exposure in daylight.
Now I recently was talking to the owner of Film Works in San Rafael, if you have not been there it is worth a trip across the bridge. They focus on film, but they also rent time on high end PCs for digital work, and will print large format. They have a great wealth of knowledge.
I was told that you can do two things instead of pulling the film. (a) you could use a polarizing filter and it will act like a 100 ISO Film or you can actually underexpose by three stops. I was told that B & W film has this much tolerance and you can adjust the image by dodging and burning in the Darkroom. This is only for B & W film. Color slide film has a tolerance of 1/3 of a stop and digital has a tolerance of 1/4 of a stop.
Your experience?
Thanx for taking the time on this subject.
Dan - Warren T. said...
A polarizer will give you an exposure adjustment, but it also alters the image in other ways and it may not be appropriate for your scene. It's best to use it for its intended purpose.
A better way to get the same result would be to use a ND (neutral density filter). They come in different densities so you would use the one is appropriate for you lighting situation.
Unless you are after a certain look or effect, I would not rely on push/pull processing, nor would I rely on a film's exposure latitude (and correct later). IMO, it's best to get the correct exposure using the appropriate filtering or lighting techniques at the time of exposure. Push/pull processing and intentional over/under exposure to exploit a film's exposure latitude will affect grain and contrast.
Yes, B&W and color print film have wide latitude (or dynamic range), but it shouldn't be relied on to save bad exposure (of the subject).
My .02.
- Eric said...
Nice photo, man. I like the way the water is in sheets on the left. I love Franconia Notch Great place to be and I miss it. I may live in SF, but I'm a real New England boy.
- dan in marin said...
Dolph, nice control of the shutter speed to give that soft look to the water.
Dan - Warren T. said...
Nice motion on the water, Dolph. We were at the Flume in the early-90's, it's a very cool place to visit.
- Dolph Brust said...
Nice picture Ted. The dew on the pedals is very nice.
- Warren T. said...
Nice isolation, color, and details on the subject. :)
--WT - Lea said...
ooo so bright! liking the subject & colours here :)
- Ted M said...
Thanks all, I did something I usually don't do, except when printing to a specific frame size, I cropped in Picasa.
Grate Expectations

All morning long, I was composing images in mind - beautiful images of beautiful places in the harbor on this beautiful morning. Yet, even though this one came outside of my picture-taking session, I think it's the best photo of the day.
Sometimes you just get lucky.
- Dolph Brust said...
Nice composition with nature against man....color and grey. I find myself hoping that the little leaf does not go down the drain. Did you purposely not put the leave in the center? If so, I think it adds to the composition.
Dolph - Eric said...
I like the composition and the contrast between the grays and blacks and the colors on the leaf.
- dan in marin said...
Steve, beautiful compostion of the industrial pattern vs. the natural shape of the leaf.
Dan - Warren T. said...
Not much to say about this one except... Wow! This a really stunning image.
--Warren - Lea said...
ah so symbolic of vibrant summer happenings leaving us.. no pun intended<< washing down some gutter drainage system. the sun still shines but it is foretold that grey skies like the colour of this photo will eventually entrap our enthusiasm. awwwwwh.. *tear*.... beautiful photo
Saturday, September 05, 2009
- Dolph Brust said...
Red Tail Hawks. All along the coast these wonder birds fly; babies could be up in that tree.. Looks like he's looking for dinner and you might be on the menu.
Dolph - Eric said...
Hey, you caught the intensity of the bird. Even though it isn't looking into the camera, I can feel it. I like that.
Ross In His Classic '57 Chevy

Labels: D100, Tamron, Transportation, Vacation
- Dolph Brust said...
Classic!!!!! I love it. Seems that Southern Cal has a lot of these classic late 50's Chevys. Reminds me of the picture I posted a few months ago from my cousins wedding. I bet they have seen each other at car shows.
P.S. When is the annual event? I'm planing a visit to Southern Cal in a few weeks. It would be easy to jump up to SFO.
Hog Riding Grannies

Labels: Harleys, Transportation, Vacation
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Soup Line - Pismo Beach

Labels: Black and White, Pismo Beach, Street, Vacation
- Steve Rosenbach said...
What a really nice B&W photo! And in one of my favorite places on earth!
In 1989, working for Balto Gas & Electric, I visited Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near San Luis Obisbo. While there, I went to Pismo Beach - loved it!
But every time I see or hear about Pismo Beach, it reminds me of poor Bugs Bunny, who was always trying to get there, but missed the left turn at Albequerque ("...hey! This ain't Pismo Beach!" -- as he ends up at the North Pole) - Dolph Brust said...
This is wonderful! This could have been taken 60
years ago and it wouldn't have looked much different. The clothes on the people would have been different, but the feel of the picture would have been the same.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
- Eric said...
Hey, cool shot. I thought it was dice at first. I like the way the lines work and the spigots and handles look like dots. The lightness on the right pulls my eye over a little, but overall, it's a fun photo.
- Steve Rosenbach said...
GREAT photo, Warren! It totally baffled me (in a good way!) for a few seconds, and then when I realized what I was looking at, I had to smile and just keep looking.
Yeah, I agree withe eric - it's a fun photo-- a real keeper. - dan in marin said...
I think I know those on the 2nd flr. I like the alternating heights. Good effect. Did you do a WB check, color seems off?
Dan - Warren T. said...
Thanks for the comments, guys.
The "lightness" is a result of some daylight filtering through a window that landed on the two fountains on the right.
Dan, I intended the color to be "off" because I liked the surreal quality that it gave the scene. :)
--WT - Warren T. said...
BTW, Happy Anniversary to US!!!
--WT - Lea said...
looks almost like a sauna setting at first glance, which makes these cooler water fountains very appealing! :) nice shot!
- Dolph Brust said...
Interesting choice of focus. Something most of us walk right by each day. I like the various components of compositions. What I want to know is how you framed the shot?
Dolph - Warren T. said...
The frame is using the door to the restroom area. The four fountains were right at the entrance. The entry was brightly lit compared to the ambient light just outside of the doorway.
- Warren T. said...
Very dramatic shot, Lea :). Were you up in BC recently?
This image could be made even more dramatic with a bit of levels adjustment to make the whites a little whiter.
--WT - Lea said...
perhaps i'll give the levels adjustments a try! :) we were in BC a couple weeks ago.. same time frame as those bike shots i posted.
- Eric said...
Beautiful shot, Lea. Yeah, play around with the levels and see what you get. It reminded me of a shot of some mtns in India I just saw tonite on public tv.
- dan in marin said...
I like the composition. The sky takes over the top center, then you move to the cloud formations and finnaly to the ridgeline. If you do a levels adjustment I would mask the mountains so you do not change those. Good shot
Dan - Lea said...
Thanks Eric & Dan. I was playing around with the levels but right now I only have iPhoto for editing so the entire image gets changed (ie. mountains lose a lot of detail :( lol
but I agree - the clouds really *pop* with some quick changes. - Dolph Brust said...
Nice. The mountains north of the border and in Alaska are amazing. I like your use of the sun just outside of the shot. Was that planned?
Dolph - Lea said...
oh, hmm.. i dont' think it was planned. i just really loved those crisp peaks and the clouds were so interesting with the sun breaking through and highlighting so many spots :)
- Warren T. said...
Freshly misted flowers? :)
Nice color.
--WT - Lea said...
yea i actually have no idea what the florists do.. i just like the effect :)
- Dolph Brust said...
One of the purist forms of expression are Red Roses. The contrast between the white and the red are always wonderful. Nice shot Pea.
- Dolph Brust said...
One of the purist forms of expression are Red Roses. The contrast between the white and the red are always wonderful. Nice shot Pea.
- Lea said...
thanks Dolph :)
mmm, these things still look delicious! o sigh... fresh flowers -_- mmmm
it seems to illustrates a conscious effort to avoid the world. The dull concrete wall of performing arts; the homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk; she just keeps walking, eyes forward, concentrating to get away from it all. Yes and the leaves are falling, just another grievance. Aww... :\
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