Her Serious Face

This is Chloe, my friend Ray's daughter. I wanted to shoot without flash so I asked her to hold "very, very still". Ray tells me that this is her 'serious face' because she was trying to hold still for me.
This was really pushing the limits of practicality, my ability to hold the camera still, the camera's image stabilization and high ISO quality. I think it turned out pretty nice anyway :).
It was taken at 1/6 sec, f5.4, ISO 800.
I converted it to B&W because I prefer the B&W look for her expression. I think the slight high-ISO digital noise is almost film-like.
Labels: Black and White, Panasonic DMC-G1, Portrait
I close look at the picture does show the noise, but from the blog it is very nice. If she is eating ice cream and you're keeping her from finishing I wouldn't want to know what she is thinking. Looks pretty serious and not good thoughts.
A little more grain and this could be a picture from the 1950's. Nothing indicates that you recently took this picture.
Thanks Dolph. Funny you should mention the time (or timelessness) factor because I was just mentioning to my friends that I took a startlingly similar picture over 35 years ago of another friend's sister that looks amazingly like this one. I took the older picture with a cheap vintage medium format TLR, B&W film, and processed and enlarged the print myself.
I agree with Dolph, the image has a timeless quality about it with the doorways and background adding to the 1940s feel.
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