Union Street Alley

Sony DSC-P72
I sometimes like to leave my big slr cameras at home, especially after lugging it all over Hawaii on our last trip. This Sony DSC-P72 P&S is very small, but here is where I found out just how very inaccurate the optical viewfinder is. It took me 4 tries to get the framing on this composition the way I wanted it. The first 3 times, I tried to use the optical viewfinder, only to find that the resulting shot was grossly mis-framed. On the 4th shot, I finally gave up and used the LCD on the back of the camera to compose the shot. Oh well, now I know just how "off" the optical finder is, so on shots like this one that require careful framing, I'll just use the LCD. It's not my preferred way, but whatever works is okay by me.
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