Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
St. Louis Arch
(Below Right) I wanted to repeat the pic with better equipment. This was taken with my D70, 12-24mm f4 Tokina. Notice a lot more detail with a 6MP camera as opposed to the 1.3MP of my old Sony; likely due to a better lens as well, I hope.

I took a group shot trying to take advantage of the superwide 12mm. A little distorted in the corners but I got everything in the shot.

And a final shot of the Arch.

- Warren T. said...
Nice shots!
You got a better cloud formation on the newer shots than the original shot. I like how the clouds are reflected on the side of the arch in the top picture.
Bear at SF Zoo

Which reminded me of a bear encounter we had while camping at Yosemite last year. A car was driving by our camp site and then stopped. Being in the evening, the headlights were quite annoying. The driver rolled down his window and asked us, "Do you know there's a bear behind you?" Just as we turn around, a bunch of other campers are banging pots and pans to scare the bear away. We never saw. Talk about a close encounter.
Sorry I've been absent for so long. Been very busy. We will be going on a cruise to Alaska in a few days so hopefully will have some nice pix to share with everyone.
- Lea said...
WOW --those are some crazy claws!! And scary story! The pose is really cute here though :) What a playful beast. lol
Great photo Benson! Really awesome :)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Morning Bear Encounter

- Lea said...
That's some freaky shtuff!!! I have a big fear of bears... but he looks so peaceful there... You're right ---minding his own business. lol
You can see the claws on his fron left paw though ---yikes!!
Nice pic Warren :)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
- Dolph Brust said...
Looks like my boss on a good day! Old and cracked. Did you take the picture at an angle on purpose? Did you try a straight on shot with more use of the dramatic shows?
Dolph - tedm said...
The kids have been watching the movie "Night at the Museum", so this photo immediately reminds me of the talking Hun. Excellent photo Warren.
- Warren T. said...
Thanks Ted and Dolph.
Dolph, yes, I took it from this angle on purpose, but I did not try shooting one straight on.
p.s. Greetings from Kings Canyon NP! They have wireless Internet here, but no TV's! - SteveR said...
Wooo! Great B&W image! I like the composition and the tonality is fabulous.
- Lea said...
A very bold and interesting shot! Love the lines in it! It's so simple and perfect! :)
Argentina's Lake District

- Lea said...
What a great scene ----is that some houses in the middle land strip? That's awesome! =D
Love the colours here too. Very earthy blues & greens but also has some subtle - yet bright - oranges & yellows mixed in there. Great mix! ;) - Eric said...
Thx Lea and Warren. You folx would love the place. It is so peaceful there. If I was fluent in Spanish I would even consider living there. The building off in the distance is an absolutely gorgeous resort called Llao Llao (pron. like "Shao Shao"). It's expensive by American and Canadian dollar standards so I can be very sure it's out of the range of a lot of locals. We just had lunch there. No dindin or room renting.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
- Eric said...
Hi Lea! It's been a while. Wild photo here. I wasn't sure how to look at it. The reflection did it's job. Don't know which way is up!
Eric - Warren T. said...
cool shot!
it's very fun to look at. - Lea said...
Thanks! I love when water reflects so clearly! The colours just pop!
The big tree trunk ---that's the bottom of it sitting in the water. The top of the photo is up... hope that helps ;)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
- Warren T. said...
Interesting, it reminds me of a theater marquis.
BTW Ted, it would make viewing the shot easier if you resize the original to 800 pixels or less on the long side. As it is now, the image is too big to see without scrolling around.
And thanks for posting! This blog has been dead lately. :(
Friday, June 01, 2007
Union Street Alley

Relaxing at the Palace of Fine Arts, SF

- Lea said...
A beautiful shot!! It looks like it could've been taken from a tourist brochure ;)
Many different depths here too -- great pic Warren! I like the colours too :)
aww, they are so cute! A nice assortment of poses ;) Great pics!
The original Hummers. Nice action shots, man.
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