Photoshop 80-20 Rule

It includes a short and easy set of steps that I do on just about every photo that I edit in Photoshop. I wanted to let you know in case it might be helpful to anyone in the group.
-- SteveR
We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Steve, I love the local contrast enhancement technique!!! Thanks much for bringing it to our attention. It works great! I'm adding this to my bag of Photoshop tricks.
This is very valulable, and I really appreciate that you're sharing it with us.
While doing additional research on local contrast enhancement via the unsharp mask filter, I stumbled on this website with a treasure trove of tutorials on using Photoshop:
After you read the article on local contrast enhancement, click on the Tutorials tab to see the other ones. Great stuff!
Ah, great stuff, Warren - thanks for this new link! I'll try to study the material there this weekend.
-- SteveR
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