Ocean Beach

Ocean Beach
Originally uploaded by bhwong.
Since we seem to be on a beach theme I thought I would share one from a few months ago. This was taken just below the Cliff House above Ocean Beach.
We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Since we seem to be on a beach theme I thought I would share one from a few months ago. This was taken just below the Cliff House above Ocean Beach.
Benson, I like this shot of Ocean Beach. It's an unusual perspective of it. I like the way the waves appear. How did you do this? Which lens was it? It looks like an ultrawide.
This was taken with the D70 kit lens at 18mm. Funny you mention ultrawide lens because I have on my wishlist an ultrawide. Nikon has a 10.5mm and Tokina makes a good 12-24mm. Anyone with thoughts on which is better?
You California guys are killing me with your photos of maginificent beaches and hiking on the hills leading down to the ocean! ;-)
It's 40 deg and boring-looking here - and the closest ocean beach (which while quite nice, can't compare to California coast) is 3 hours away.
Anyway, Benson, I really like the way you framed this stetch of ocean on 3 sides and the way you got the dramatic clouds to also act as part of the frame on the top. Excellent!
-- SteveR
That explains it, 18mm is an ultrawide in the 35mm world, and it still has the "look" of an ultrawide even though it's cropped by the dslr sensor.
I bought the Sigma 15-30mm. At the time, the Nikon 12-24mm just came out, and was very expsnsive. Also, the Sigma 15-30mm covers the full 35mm frame, so I'm able to use it as a true ultrawide on my film cameras.
I have not read up on the two lenses that you mention, but I will now that you mentioned them.
I've been happy with my Sigma, but it's very bulky and heavy, and I find myself not using it as often as I expected. I recently purchased a 17mm prime that is very nice, the Tokina ATX 17mm f3.5. I still find that my 24-135mm Tamron zoom covers the majority of my needs when I"m nut using my primes.
p.s. Steve, SF's ocean beach is just a few minutes from my house. Sharp Park Beach, where we saw the hawk is about a 15 to 20 minutes drive from my house :).
Benson, I think the 10.5mm is too limiting as an ultrawide prime lens. It has the equivalent fov of a 16mm 180degree rectilinear fisheye. While that is very cool, I think it will have limited applications. OTOH, the 12-24mm will be much more usable, IMO. I read some good comments about the Tokina 12-24mm on the web.
Also, didn't Sigma announce a 10-20mm? If so, that one may give you less overlap from your current lenses.
Nice scenic photo...would be kind of perfect if a little bit of foreground could be included. I'd agree that ultrawide lenses can be very expensive,like the 10.5mm. I tend to concur with Warren and go for the 10-24mm.
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