I've been sitting on these photos for several months, not really sure if they're any good. I took it back in mid-June in New York City, walking around at a street fair sponsored by the International Immigrants Foundation. I had stumbled on the fair, which stretched for over ten blocks on Sixth Avenue, and being an immigrant myself, got a big kick out of the variety of food, music, and wares.
This photo was taken at one of the many booths selling clothing and accessories. I really liked the scarfs and the way they were displayed, started to frame my shot, and then the young lady's arm and hand added another design element to the image.
I'm starting to warm up to this photo - does it do anything for you?

I liked these scarfs enough to take a few more shots. This one makes me think of a group of Afghani dances, linked up chorus-line style. Don't ask me why Afghanistan came to mind, I know almost nothing about the country - but that's the first thing that popped into my mind.
Both photos taken with a Canon Digital Rebel and the 18-55mm "kit" zoom lens.
Nice night shots. I especially like the first one. I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of cleaning up the formatting a bit so that the pictures line up.
Were they handheld?
I have not had an opportunity to try using my digital for very many night shots.
Thanks for posting.
thanks for fixing the formatting. I didn't know how to
do that. The pictures were shot by using a garbage can
as a brace so quasi handheld. The D70 would have done
a much nicer job but you shoot with what you have at
the time right?
Yep, "ya run what ya brung". Isn't that what they say in car racing circles?
I think the photo is just fine from your digital P&S. It's the person behind the camera that makes the difference.
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