
Shot with my Canon S 500 pocket camera
I shot this on a recent trip to Disney World's Epcot. I am always amazed at the sights that can be found at night in Epcot. I didn't pack my D70 on the trip to save space and my shoulder. I was lugging around an HD camcorder instead and that is a another story. Amazing video quality.
Nice night shots. I especially like the first one. I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of cleaning up the formatting a bit so that the pictures line up.
Were they handheld?
I have not had an opportunity to try using my digital for very many night shots.
Thanks for posting.
thanks for fixing the formatting. I didn't know how to
do that. The pictures were shot by using a garbage can
as a brace so quasi handheld. The D70 would have done
a much nicer job but you shoot with what you have at
the time right?
Yep, "ya run what ya brung". Isn't that what they say in car racing circles?
I think the photo is just fine from your digital P&S. It's the person behind the camera that makes the difference.
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