Saturday, April 16, 2011

Death Valley Zabrieskie Pt.

Two formats for one scene. The first image was captured with a 50m f4 distagon, with Fuji Velvia 50, while the second was captured with a 28m f2.8 elmarit, and the Leica M9. As I recall the M9 has accurately captured the scene and qualities of the light at the moment, but I seem to be partial to the MF sq. format the the over saturated Velvia colors.


Blogger Warren T. said...

Welcome back, Dan. :)

Interesting comparison. The M9 shot looks a little flat/neutral, is it straight out of the camera? OTOH, the Velvia shot is much more vivid, but with the characteristic blue cast. Does the actual transparency look like this? I heard that sometimes the scanning process makes the blue cast looks worse when scanning Velvia.


Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 2:56:00 PM PDT  
Blogger dan in marin said...

Yes Warren they are both out of the sd card and the positive. No color adjustments. I thought it presented an interesting comparison. Many photographers choose a warming filter with the Velvia. The M9 captured pretty close to the actual available light as the sunrise was coming through a cload bank.

Continuing to work through all of the images including some Illford SFX. The Velvia was captured through a borrowed Hasselbald and I am hooked. Very nice camera to use. This was fitted with a metered VF, and it was a pleasure.


Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 4:23:00 PM PDT  

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