Monday, March 21, 2011

Flower at North Lake

Panasonic DMC-G1, Konica 40mm f1.8

Another from the 40mm test session at North Lake, GG Park. What kind of flower is this?


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Blogger dan in marin said...

This looks like a fun lens to use. So it will give you a fast portrait lens in your Lumix system

Nice saturation of colors, did you get a body with the lens as well?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 8:15:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Warren T. said...

hi Dan, this will be my fast, short-tele prime lens. I am envisioning a small, prime-based kit:

14mm f2.5 (native)
20mm f1.8 (native)
40mm f1.8 (Konica Hexanon)

Not sure when I'll be getting the new Lumix 14mm prime, so my 14-45mm kit lens will be used for the time being to cover the 28mm end.

I bought the 40mm in a separate deal from my other recent Konica acquisition. I found a 2nd great deal on a Konica FS-1 35mm slr body with a Hexanon 50mm f1.7 (the legendary one).


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 8:43:00 AM PDT  

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