At SFMOMA with RFF, Pic #2

This is Mark (I think), a fellow Leica user and as I found out that day, a fellow fountain pen collector and user.
Can anyone guess what he's doing?
Labels: "Project Nov. 2010", Black and White, Panasonic DMC-G1, RFF Photographers, SFMOMA
Nice photo Warren! I know Mark! I'd guess he is doing sys admin stuff or other geeky stuff??!
Using an iPad?
I like the way you got his face, and especially his right hand, illuminated by the device.
Mark was talking to a fellow photographer about the his camera gear when he suddenly whipped out his iPad and started to log onto Flickr to show his pictures. I thought it was interesting because of the tech-geekiness of the whole thing. Instead of whipping out a photo album or portfolio, the iPad could access images stored online.
It was after he turned on the iPad that I noticed how it lit up Mark's face and hand in the dim lighting where we were standing.
I really love the glow of the iPad on the subject's hand.
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