Lunch in SF

Caught a shot of some folks having lunch outside a nice restaurant in SF. It's in the downtown area, and if I remember correctly, it's near Sansome and Market.
-- Eric
Labels: San Francisco
We are a small group of friends with a common love of photography. We hope to enjoy each others' work and to broaden our knowledge of photography and to stimulate our creativity by sharing our work and ideas here. Please invite your friends to stop by. If you are interested in becoming a photo contributor, please send me an email. --Warren
Labels: San Francisco
I really like the simplicity and subtleties of this photo. Great vertical lines in the trees, helped out by the tall lines in/on the white wall behind them; I don't know if it's shadows or pillars making those lines but they are terrific for bringing your attention to the lush green trees! Overall composition is just so casual and inviting.. the sun casting shadows... and good use of the entire photo. Really nice! :)
Wow, thx Lea. I was walking by and took a peek in. Talk about an inviting place to have lunch.
Really nice composition, Eric! I like the use of the vertical format and the placement of the 3 trees which accentuate the spatiousness of the location.
Thx, Warren. I like this shot.
-- Eric
I really like this shot. Warrean and Lea said it best about the lines. The one line that I picked up on was the people setting so upright, they match the trees and lines on the white walls. Very nice.
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