Eric Shooting on Treasure Island

Nikon FM, Nikkor 85mm f1.8D, Ilford XP2 Super
It was a cold, hazy, and windy day on Treasure Island, but I don't think Eric was feeling it because of his excitement over using his new D40 :).
I brought my FM along with my D100 so that I cold finish the roll of XP2 in the FM.
Labels: Black and White, Composition, D100
BTW, the Nikkor 85mm f1.8D sure is a snappy lens, isn't it? I also like how smooth the OOF objects appear in the background. There are a couple of Nikon lenses that never fail to impress me whenever I use them. The lenses are this one (85mm f1.8D), and the 105mm f2.5. You've seen shots from the 105mm f2.5 from my previous posts. This is also a good time to mention the search feature again. It works well. Just type in "105mm f2.5" and click on "Search Blog" to find all our posts with those words. We have so many posts now, over 1100, that the search tool is very useful for finding photos with specific subject matter or equipment.
Eric is showing such excellent form in the way he holds his camera and braces his elbows, bipod-like, on top of his thighs!
Once again a beautiful B&W composition Warren!
It's very balanced and your design elements are really nice. The gentle arc of a cirle made by the large stones (downward from left to right) is echoed by the gentle arc of the bridge. The stones and the rest of the image form a positive-negative space continuum (how do you like *that*!) which are linked together by the human figure (Eric - you're a jigsaw piece!)
Well, I didn't see it that way right away - I just felt - wow, this is really appealing! Then I "deconstructed" it as above.
If I keep doing this, can I get a BA out of it??
Finally, seeing photos like this makes me again wish I could go on these photo-outings with you guys!
Thanks Steve!
I really appreciate that you took the time to articulate your thoughts about my picture (this and all the others). As you know, it's feedback like this that really fuel our enthusiasm for our art.
I hope you can come out here for a visit one of these days.
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