Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Photographers In Pursuit

Warren asked if I had taken any images of the 200+ photographers running around Yosemite last week in pursuit of capturing the golden ribbon of Horsetail Falls.  For those of you who have not seen or heard about this phenomenon   During the third week of February, when the sky is clear and there is enough water in this ephemeral falls, the water is back lit into a golden glowing ribbon cascading down El Capitan.  Due to a lack of water, and fog I did not get anything worthwhile, but that did not stop many of us to sit for several hours each late afternoon and early evening hoping for something to capture.  The group pictured is a small segment of about 75 photographers huddling in 30 degree temps.  Only two sites afford a good view and this is at the northern site called El Capitan Picnic Area.  I am up for trying again next year. Anybody else?

Sigma DP2 Merrill



Blogger Warren T. said...

A bunch of hardcore photographers :)

If we're around next year, maybe I'm up for it... :)


Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 6:12:00 PM PST  

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