Cameras and Coffee

(Ted contemplating which camera to try next)

(Warren with coffee and camera)
Olympus D-600L
Ted and I spent an nice couple of hours at a local Starbucks to meet up and talk about cameras and other important things in life :).
I was very fortunate to receive a HUGE assortment of camera gear today from a very generous person who wanted to give his unused, older photography gear away to someone who would use it. The pictures above were taken with one of these cameras, the Olympus D-600L. It still had good batteries in it when Ted switched it on for the first time today. To our pleasure, it still worked! The D-600L is a 1.3MP, fixed lens, slr-style camera from the early days of digital. The optics are superb, as you would expect from Olympus. The camera originally retailed for $1300 (!!!). This camera reminds me of my first digicam, the Sony D770, but this Olympus lacks full manual photographic controls that the Sony had.
When I get around to it, I'll show you more from this set of photo gear. Meanwhile, I'll post a few test shots that I took today with the Olympus.
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