The Columbarium

I started the day shooting at the Legion of Honor next to my house. After a few pics there, I began taking landscapes of the Golden Gate Bridge. While walking around, I came across something that totally changed my mood, so I ended up making my way to the Columbarium.
For people unfamiliar with the place, it is cremains repository. There were quite a few sad stories there, especially the half filled nooks where someone eternally awaits a spouse that will never come. However, the general mood was upbeat. Many nooks were dioramas celebrating the lives of people who live or lived.
Once upon a time a dentist fell in love with a ballerina. Together they picked their place in the sun.
Post script. Once a year there's a cocktail party here. It's so people can get to know their future neighbors. Hey, this is San Francisco after all.
The last picture along with your description was poignant and moving.
I've never had the opportunity to go inside the Columbarium. Thanks for posting these photos.
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