Foliage Framed Falls, Nikon F4s, Sigma 15-30mm, Fuji Sensia 100

When I was deciding what film to take with me, I found an old roll of Sensia slide film that was expired as of 1998 (!!!). Well, the film still produced usable images, but the color balance was shifted a bit. I had to do some Photoshop color work to get it to a reasonable presentation.
I was attempting to get a different view of this often photographed spot. I walked around and then spotted this clearing. Using the 15-30mm zoom, it was easy for me to frame my subject with the surrounding trees. I also found it interesting that the clouds mimicked the shape of the adjacent granite peaks. I chose to leave the surrounding foliage dark in order to enhance the vignetting effect.
Since Gail was shooting the D100 w/24-135mm, I told her about this spot, and that she should shoot it with the D100. Because of the D100's CCD form factor, the 24mm wide end has an effective fov of 35mm, so she wasn't able to use the foliage in the same way as my version. Some people may prefer her version. You can see it on Warren's Place: Gail's version.
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