Mist Trail Hikers by Vernal Falls, Nikon D100, Tamron 24-135mm.

On our favorite viewpoint for Vernal Falls, the mist was flying at us at a good rate. It was very refreshing after an uphill hike to this point. The big Sigma 15-30mm zoom that was mounted on my F4s has a huge, curved front element that cannot be protected by a filter. I didn't want to risk getting water spots on the lens, so I did not shoot with the F4 here. Instead, I convinced Gail to let me shoot one with the D100. I cropped this shot a little from the original image to better show the hikers making their way up the wet and sometimes treacherous Mist Trail to the top of Vernal Falls.
I always have a hard time w/ waterfalls. They never seem to come out as majestic as when you are right there.
You did a great job capturing the magnitude of the falls. The walls of granite behind that keep reaching up, the slight peak of blue sky letting the viewer feel enclosed by these canyon walls, the swooping lines of the foreground rock lead my eye to the falls and the hikers give a sense of scale. I also like the way the falls pop, the contrast is good - maybe just a little bit much but it makes them stand out more
Thanks for the comment, Tony. I enjoyed your well written, descriptive, and detailed analysis.
Have you been to Yosemite? If so, let's see some pics :)
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