Tuesday, June 23, 2015

SF Bay done in Medium Format

I was on a tree job and since I sold my work camera, I was left with a Pentax 645z.  This view had to be down sampled in order to insert it into a Word Doc. for the report I was preparing. 55mm  f2 has a FOV of 43mm in 35mm format.  Nice small and lightweight all weather lens. 



Blogger Unknown said...

Nice capture Dan.

I really need to go to SF before I die to photograph anything at all. Just seems magical out there.

What kind of file size does that produce?

All weather does not mean waterproof correct? Does that help against the thick fog out there? I just read that fog can be one of the worst situations to use your camera in. As bad as shooting in sand if not worse.

Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 11:13:00 AM PDT  

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