Thursday, July 17, 2014


Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Turkey.
At first glance you might miss the girl taking a "selfie" in the arch. I also found the contrast between her human scale and the gigantic calligraphic panel quite striking.

Frankfurt Airport, Germany.
I had just got off a long flight from New York and had a longer flight to New Delhi to look forward to so I was eager to stretch my legs and check out my new camera so I started photographing strangers who were surprisingly obliging and unsuspecting. I had a great time and was lucky to get this portrait.


Puerto Rico, USA.
That's my dad inspecting the bottle of beer I had ordered with our meal. I think he was trying to figure out if real Trappist monks brewed the beer or not. Turns out it is. In case you are a beer aficionado - Rochefort Brewery.
6th Av. New York City.
This is the giant Robert Indiana Love sculpture on 6th Av. There's a constant line of tourists waiting to be clicked in front of it. If I had the patients, I would stand there for hours taking pictures of tourists as they carefully arranged themselves in from of the piece, each person changing the meaning and context of the four letter word.

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Blogger Warren T. said...

Spectacular scale on #1 :)


Friday, July 18, 2014 at 8:08:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Lea said...

Great choices for the Lettering project! I love the modern-ness of there being a selfie in the beautiful old architecture. And that sign is standing out like it's floating off the screen, hovering magically.. Trippy and surreal composition. o,O I like it!

Friday, July 18, 2014 at 10:27:00 PM PDT  

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