Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Suburbia - Nikon S8000 at 4000 Ft over Weston Florida on approach to Fort Lauderdale.  I wanted to carry a little camera with me so I could take some pictures of some of the older towns in western New England.  This little camera has a great zoom and with pretty good resolution.  It doesn't give you all the controls that I get with my other cameras, but it's not very heavy.  I recently spent a lot of time traveling through airports, and carrying either my D70 or 200 with extra lenses was getting a little troublesome.  Here is the first of several pictures that I took on my trips.


Blogger Warren T. said...

Fun shot, Dolph :)

At first glance, this reminds me of an IC chip.

For some post-processing experimentation, you can use unsharp mask to cut through some of the haziness (settings: 20,50,1 on Photoshop), or simply mess around with contrast settings manually.

I would love to see more shots from the S8000. The specs look good, and I'd like to see more real-world results.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 1:41:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Steve Rosenbach said...

Very cool, Dolph! We spend a very nice week with our kids there last June - we stayed in Weston and drove the short distance to the beach most days. I love that area, and your photo brought back good memories!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 6:47:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Dolph Brust said...

Thanks for the comments. I've posted another of the pictures I took while up north.

Steve...if you come down to the Fort Lauderdale areas let me know and we can get together.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 8:34:00 PM PDT  

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