White Mountains

These first two shots at 10,400' in the White mountains along the CA and Nevada Border are obviously with IR film. A real pain to use since it was my first experience. 
The starkness and brilliance of the sky is incredible, the Bristlecone Pines, (most in excess of over 500 years old and listed as the oldest living organisms on the planet) start at 10,000 feet. Oddly the harsher the conditions the older and better they survive. The climate changes we are experiencing are making them grow faster and more susceptible to disease. Most of these color shots were taken above 11,000' in early October with the temperature around 55 degrees.

The black and white shots are pretty cool! Feels like we're on a different planet. The first one in particular is so awesome. That tree on the left really stands out against the dark sky. I also adore that little road running between the mountains and the ledge it feels we are looking from. Subtle but wonderful :)
Spectacular scenery! I especially like the first picture, with its very interesting IR effects and balanced composition.
Wow, Dan. The top left photo looks like another planet. I really like that one.
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