Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Dream Car when I was 7 years old

This 1912 Model T CommercialRoaster was my favoriate car when I was 7 years old. I don't remember what happened to the model Ihad built, but it probably had something to do with girls a few years later. What I really was impressed with was the oil bottles the man had in front of the car.


Blogger Warren T. said...

Nice shot.

When I was around that age (7 to 12 or so), the local fad with the bad-boy hotrodders was to jack up classic and muscle cars like the 1955 to 1957 Chevy BelAir about 12 inches off the ground, both front and rear!

Naturally, as a modeler, I modified my "stock" models to look like the real cars driving in our neighborhood.

Looks like you had great weather on your trip. The sun and white car make this scene high contrast, and as a result makes it difficult to catch shadow detail. Maybe you can experiment with using the built-in flash of the D70 for fill flash to try getting a little detail in the shadows, or alternatively, try correcting for it in Photoshop.

Would you happen to have a close up of those oil bottles? I'd like to see better, why you thought they were so impressive :).


p.s. You should change your image size to max of 800 pixels on the long side.

Monday, March 13, 2006 at 7:41:00 AM PST  

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