Old and New

Nikon D100, Tamron 24-135mm
Okay, on the way down to Chinatown to do the mural project, I spotted this study in contrasting architectural styles. The iconic Bank of America building looming behind a quaint old gazebo style structure sitting atop an old apartment building. It's possible to find many examples of this in certain cities (Montreal comes to mind), but I'm not always paying attention to this in San Francisco.
Yes, I'm keeping you in suspense about this mural thing. I'll post something about that later. For now, you'll get to see my "just before" the "mural" and "just after" my "mural" pictures.
After studying this shot for a while, I realized that it reminded me one that I posted a while back, with similar elements in it. Funny, huh?
The previous version:
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