Saturday, April 23, 2005

"Abandoned", Nikon D100, 85mm f1.8D

This shot if from my Lake Merced series. I was walking around a deserted restaurant at the lake when I spotted the phoneless phone booth. I shot a group of pictures in this area. It took me a long time to decide which picture from this group to show you. I was deciding on which composition would have the most meaning.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Intrepid View Camera, Pt. Lobos, California, Nikon D100

Variation on a theme of one of my previous posts (Intrepid Photographer).
- Warren T. said...
As we were walking around this area, I noticed a guy standing there taking notes, then I saw the view camera next to him. I think he had just finished shooting his pictures and he was jotting down some notes about what he just took. He was standing off to the left of this picture. I decided to try some shots with the view camera included in the picture.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
- Warren T. said...
Nice shot Martin! Reminds me of the shot I got of a woman on the cell phone in front of the bridge that I posted a while back, and also of the two guys sleeping on cement slabs like the one Steve R. posted. A classic composition with foreground, middle ground, and a nice scenic background.
Thanks for posting!
Friday, April 08, 2005
- Warren T. said...
Sharp eye, PG. I actually rotated the image to make that left edge of the opening more parallel to the picture edge, but I just missed.
Speaking of eyes, did anyone notice that this whole image looks like a giant eye? (I was hoping someone would "see" that :) )
-WT - Warren T. said...
But the question that I have is: even though that left edge is not perfectly parallel, how much does that really detract from the overall image? Obviously it must have bugged you a lot to have mentioned it, what does everyone else think?
--WT - Benson said...
Quite honestly, I did not even notice it until PG brought it up. I focused more on Gail and the eye-like shape. I find the railing a little distracting, though. But thinking about it, without the railing, the shot would be missing something.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Vernal Falls, Yosemite, May 2002, Sony DSC-D770 (1.5MP)

While processing this picture, I realized that it would look better in B&W, so I converted it. It had a "vintage" look to it that seemed better in B&W. If you look closely on the right of the falls, you can see people walking up the Mist Trail.
- Warren T. said...
I like the popup comment box too! Thanks for the suggestion.
May is when the waterfalls at Yosemite are at their fullest. The Mist Trail is aptly named for most of the year, but in late spring, it should be called the "Tropical Storm Trail". :) If you walk up that trail, which leads up the right side of Vernal Falls to the very top, you can expect to get soaked from head to foot.
Most shots of Vernal Falls don't show much of the surrounding rocks and trees. I thought I'd show something different.
Monday, April 04, 2005
birthday part 2

Originally uploaded by bhwong.
Right after I uploaded it I thought to myself I should have done some post-processing to brighten it up. This was taken in fine jpg on my D70 so I was limited in using the curves function in Photoshop to lighten it up. My last few pictures I've taken in raw and it is so nice to do white balance correction. I may switch to raw shooting from now on and just do some Photoshop processing on each shot I want to keep. Thanks for the recommendation, Warren. Anyone else want to see more birthday pictures? Just kidding ;-).
- Warren T. said...
Benson, just curious, what WB setting do you use on your D70? On my D100, I use Cloudy -1 as a general setting. For those situations when I know the lighting is different (example, flourescent), I'll get more specific.
-WT - Warren T. said...
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the revised version looks much better.
warren - Benson said...
I usually shoot in auto mode for white balance. However, now with shooting in raw, it doesn't matter as much because I can change it after the fact.
- Warren T. said...
Hi Benson, thanks for posting. I saw this picture on your web site yesterday and I remember thinking to myself, "Hey, it's cool that you can see all the onlookers in the mirror!". That's a nice grab. It would be greatly enhanced if you bumped up the overall brightness level a bit.
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