Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Palermo Soho Doorway

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
- Dolph Brust said...
I'm seeing lines these days and I like the pathway within a pathway lines. I like how this picture is perfectly in line with the face of the building. Nice work! - Eric said...
Hey, thank you, Dolph. I really appreciate that.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
- Dolph Brust said...
Interesting look with the size of the bulb when compared to the tree's branches.
Why don't we try, as a group, get intereting photos of tree orbs. Just a suggestion. What do you think everyone? - Warren T. said...
Lea, i've never seen (or maybe just never noticed) a cone in this condition.
Dolph, I'm game for anything. What exactly is a "tree orb" anyway? :)
--Warren - Lea said...
I'm in for the tree orbs... It's a little unclear to me too as to what you mean by tree orbs. Sounds like anything spherical or bulbous on a tree..?
- Eric said...
Tree orb? Is this like something supernatural? Anyhow, Lea, this is an interesting shot. I've seen lots of pine cones, but never like this. Also, the way the photo came out, the cone looks like it is kind of glowing or maybe you drew it in. It's very interesting.
- Dolph Brust said...
I used the two words to mean anything with trees, or similar, and with round objects.
Imagination, anything round and then with long vertical lines. Could be a ball and a tree, Nuts and the tree…. Doesn't have to be a tree.
Yes Warren it is 4:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. - Lea said...
Thanks.. the photo was unedited except I cropped the original to this pic.
Friday, March 07, 2008
- Eric said...
Crazy shot!! This is very cool! A true Kodak moment.
Eric - Warren T. said...
Dolph, it's great as-is. A wider lens would have made it hard to see the girl's face.
--WT - Steve Rosenbach said...
Dolph - I agree with Warren - it's a great shot just the way it is.
One of the great photographers once said something like... "Wide angle?... f/16 and two steps back!"
So you're following in a great tradition.
Best regards,
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Ever Been To Another Planet?

- Lea said...
Wow, that's crazy. I've never seen blue snow! ..Is that an animal in the middle of the water on the right?
- Dolph Brust said...
It looks like a very risky shot. How close did you get? When I went to Alaska they wouldn’t let us get very close to the glaciers because when of large waves when a piece of ice would break off. The colors are great, and I like always like the fracture lines in the ice.
- Eric said...
Dolph, it wasn't risky at all. It was taken about 100 or so feet away (I'm a bad distance estimator). After our group landed, we were hiking to the glacier and it was surreal. We later went hiking on the glacier. That was cool. If you are interested, there are more shots I have on the google photo site. Just go to
Eric - Eric said...
Hi Lea. No animal on the right. It's all rocks. And it is crazy. Surreal.
Eric - Warren T. said...
i thought it was Nessie (the Loch Ness Monster) on vacation in South America :).
Night People/Morning People
I noticed that someone was checking in at 3:54am (!!!) this morning.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
- Dolph Brust said...
Where did you shoot this from? Thanks, It is still good to see home.
Dolph - Warren T. said...
I shot this from Grand View Park at Moraga & 14th Avenue. There is a peak (Larsen's Peak) at the park with nice, almost 360 degree views of SF.
Gail and I were out shooting for another VIP (voter information pamphlet) cover. This one for the upcoming special election to replace the late Senator Tom Lantos. Keeping our fingers crossed, but it's hard to get a good shot in the southwestern part of the city. There are no obvious landmarks. This was not one of the shots that we submitted because this doesn't really show that part of the city.
Festival Visit

This owl was sleeping in between shows at the Renaissance Festival, when it suddenly woke up. I sneaked up to the bird and waited. Just as I shot the picture it screamed, and I jumped back. What was interesting to me, in addition to the fact that the picture came, out was I could see my reflection in the bird’s eye.
- Warren T. said...
Hey Dolph, this is a very cool shot! What lens did you use?
--Warren - Eric said...
Nice shot, Dolph. I really like it. I don't see many bird shots like this. I guess birdy knew you were going to take a pic of it. Hard to fool the Wise Ol' Owl.
Eric - Lea said...
ha, that is so awesome! You could see it seeing you... spooky....
Nice atmosphere, and nicely balanced composition!
Thx. I thought the plant on the right was a little distracting, but I couldn't get it out of there.
i thought the plant on the right is the element that balances the composition. :)
Hmmm...Never thought of that. Thanks.
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